Last edited by OminousInane : Yesterday at 10:26 PM.

He forgot the smiley, it means he's even more serious :p

Hades ending is awesome, death metal always produces the best melodic guitar harmony moments.
Oh, did I tell ya we've done a Bloodbath video? For the song "Hades rising". It was pretty cool and smooth....needless to say we're covered in blood. Well, it was some kinda syryp. On the way back home my car died in the middle of the biggest tunnel system in Sweden. I felt like I was in some XBOX game in there. It was...actually....pretty cool!

mike's blog

blood, there'll be blood!!!! :D
Anyone know if the song is going to be edited ?(fucking hope not).
I was hoping for fields full of flowers and butterflies and bees.:mad:


nah, we had to wait years for the wacken carnage!!!! and the EP doesn't counts cause it was about time to release something new... TFM did came out way sooner than I thought tho :)
Don't be silly, it said in the update it would be mixed in 4 weeks. Math tells us we still have another week to go before it's even mixed. So perhaps another 2 weeks if not more.
We'll be OK as long as noone bumps the thread in those 2 weeks to remind us of the video :)

EDIT: yes, I know what I just did :lol: