Bloodbath Update....


May 11, 2001
Cary, NC
Originally posted by Dan Swanö
If you wanna hear some goodies from the up and coming "Space Metal" album from Star One..try

Nightingale will enter Soundlab studios to record the fourth album "Alive Again" the 3rd of May. No release date is set.
The recording line-up is me on vocals, guitars and keyboard
Mr. Nouga on guitars and keyboards. Erik Oskarsson bass and Tom Björn drums (and most likely some acoustic geetar)

The material is very strong and I believe that it will be the most "complete" sounding N-gale offering this far. The other three have been happy accidents, this one is more carefully planned and just the power of a real rhythmsection is enough to give me goosebumps from just writing about it!!!

The Bloodbath album "Ressurection Through Carnage" have been completed. Just the mixing left. It kicks ass...say no more!!!

The Memory Garden sessions are progressing. The lead vocals have been recorded for the track "The Bitter End" and we hope to have a completed pre-production demo ready within a month from today. If you like the Odyssey minialbum you'll die when you hear this!!!!

Nothing new on the Second Sky.

I have bought a new guitar!!! Maverick!! Check it's the coolest!!!

See ya


From the Dan Swano forum
Man what a kick ass year this is going to be!!

I mean Opeth,Soilwork,Arch Enemy,and now Bloodbath!!All of which are releasing new albums,and several other bands as well;)

This is going to be a nice year.:grin:
Originally posted by pac1288
Man what a kick ass year this is going to be!!

I mean Opeth,Soilwork,Arch Enemy,and now Bloodbath!!All of which are releasing new albums,and several other bands as well;)

This is going to be a nice year.:grin:

What about Darkane?
You forgot to say Darkane.
Darkane is releasing a new album this year.