Howdy Folkz!!! A Bit of an update!!

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
If you wanna hear some goodies from the up and coming "Space Metal" album from Star One..try

Nightingale will enter Soundlab studios to record the fourth album "Alive Again" the 3rd of May. No release date is set.
The recording line-up is me on vocals, guitars and keyboard
Mr. Nouga on guitars and keyboards. Erik Oskarsson bass and Tom Björn drums (and most likely some acoustic geetar)

The material is very strong and I believe that it will be the most "complete" sounding N-gale offering this far. The other three have been happy accidents, this one is more carefully planned and just the power of a real rhythmsection is enough to give me goosebumps from just writing about it!!!

The Bloodbath album "Ressurection Through Carnage" have been completed. Just the mixing left. It kicks ass...say no more!!!

The Memory Garden sessions are progressing. The lead vocals have been recorded for the track "The Bitter End" and we hope to have a completed pre-production demo ready within a month from today. If you like the Odyssey minialbum you'll die when you hear this!!!!

Nothing new on the Second Sky.

I have bought a new guitar!!! Maverick!! Check it's the coolest!!!

See ya

Wow, this is great news. I cannot wait until all of your goodies are completed. I will have to check out the Space Metal samples. I can't wait to hear a full length Bloodbath album! New Nightingale album...this is too much information. My brain is going to explode. Good luck with the rest of the recording process and thanks for keeping us informed. This made my day! :D
Excellent fucking news, all of this! Those Nightingale, Bloodbath and Star One albums are gonna be killers for sure! Never heard Memory Garden--is Dan performing on this album, or something? Keep the goods coming Dan, and thanks for the update!
This is good news Dan... I had come to the conclution that no more Nightingale albums would be released, did you change your mind or was I completely wrong from the start?

Glad to hear there is a new one coming though! I will tent outside my cdstore to get it when I know what date it will be released!

Good work ;)
This Star One-thing is going to be strange... After listening to the song located at metal express I`m getting this feeling. There`s like 15 secs. of :notworthy Swanö-magic in the beginning of the song, but then all of a sudden another guy takes the mic from Dan! I was like :yow: WHAT A FUCK IS HE DOING? Doesn`t he know that he`s doomed to sound like a whimp when singing after Dan, the vocal-God? I spent the next 3 mins. waiting for Dan to take the mic back, but it never happened.... I`m afraid this thing is not going to work for me. Serious. Shit!
come to Mexico please!!!!!!!!

all the other swedish bands that have been here had a great time and I think you will too.think about that possibility.

I'd love to see you guys live