Bloodred shirt on ebay...

When I get my sights set on a prize on ebay, the only, and I mean the ONLY person in the entire world that can call me off it is Reece from the Katatonia forums.

And thankfully, he hasn't attempted to talk me down from it!
Well thanks to the stupid amount of money an education costs in the US, I kinda need the money. I know, totally sucks. But I really would like it to go to another fan, so I hope someone here bids on it :)

That would really suck. But there's loads of shit I'd sell before any of the Bloodbath stuff would go though. :)

Here's to Bloodbath funding your educaton :kickass: ;)
Peter is fucking awesome, always love meeting him in person, heh. Last tour he invited my friend Eric and I on the little cramped junk bus they had to use and share with Decapitated. Was really cool!

I tried to get him to give me an "EATEN" growl too, but he was shy about it and wouldn't do it, lol. He made a funny face and in a high pitched little girly voice goes "eeeeaten"

Was that the most recent show? I saw those 2 with suffocation in London (ontario) and as much as I like Hypocrisy, I was pissed off by the fact that Witek had to set the drums up for Horg. Horg is one of my idols, but he does NOT compare to Witek as a drummer. Decapitated had such a better set too. But yeah =) The decrepit van was awesome =)