Bloodshed Over Bochum reviews


Crazy photographer
Jul 8, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark

Just wanted to let everyone know that we at Metalmoments are reporting (more or less) live from the Bloodshed Over Bochum concerts, and that you already now can surf over to our site to watch photos and read a review of the first day.
Not much more to say than, check back tomorrow for more Viking bloodspill!

Nice, Varyags of Miklagaard. That had better make the DVD.


I'm on vacation, too. If I just had the money I totally could have gone...
Alright, so we've finally uploaded The Crusher photos and a review on the site, and we are hurrying away to reach Versus The World.
This review might take a few days before we get it up, as we're using all day tomorrow to drive home, and then its back to the real world I'm afraid...:cry:
But it will get there, so don't worry...
Check back with you soon!
Alright, finally it is done - The review and photos for the last day Bochum.
If you weren't there, read 'em and weep!
If you were, take a nice stroll down memory lane...

Yeah, I know it is one hell of a lot of photos, but we thought they were all so good, so we simply couldn't decide which to keep and which to throw away. And believe me, we have already done a lot of sacrifices.

So just jump over to our site to check them all out, and don't be afraid to leave a comment if you feel like it!

Viking cheers!
Lunah & Tobias - Metalmoments
Yes Bloodshed has been played live, twice. Wrath of Norseman DVD...
Köln Live Music Hall, 16.08.2005 and
"Fate Of Norns" release show, Rockfabrik, Ludwigsburg - 05.09.2004