Bloodshed Over Bochum reviews

Actually, I wonder why they don't play it more often. it has such a, how should I put it, "live-track atmosphere" to it. Works great with the sing-along...

Yeah it definately has. The Refrain is just MADE for the live audience, like in Pursuit of Guardians....
Even the ones in the last row will be shouting that single word and it's a great song anyways. So there's no reason for not playing often live. ;)
Maybe he was drunk posting. I did that once...Called Still Life, Still Water on the Opeth boards :(
I was drunk, listening to Watershed and talking about Still Life....whoops
It should have been Pursuit OR Guardians....meaning those two Tracks we all know very good :lol::lol:

Ah, possibly my favourite tracks... Actually, Pursuit was the song which got me listening to AA to begin with (I know, I'm not as old-school as many of the rest of you probably are... :)) and I think that at the moment Guardians is the best track they've made. But this is all a matter of opinion of course...
If I know it? I took from their MySpace as soon as I could and then had it on single repeat on my mp3 at work for several days!
Funny story is, Lunah told me they had a new song up which I should listen to cause it was really good. Normally I say it took me three seconds to come with a verdict; first sec my jaw dropped to the floor, the second I lifted it back to be able to, during the third second, shout I LOVE IT! Afterwards she told me her reaction had been exactly the same...