Bloodshed Over Bochum reviews

No one is picking on Fred, ya shit. He threw a skin into the crowd...crowd went mad (because they love him) tried to grab the skin and it the beer guy in the head. If Fred had tossed and it would have been a direct hit to the head it would have been funnier. I think the band may have laughed on stage. I don't know if you noticed or not..but not only does our band make excellent music, they happen to be funny! :P
So let's put it this way (to make it sound more epic):
The brave and famous knight known as Fredrik-the-brave-and-famous-knight came back from his latest battle in which he and his army won an epic victory (they slaughtered 500 giants, 400 of them were killed by their leader, Fredrik-the-brave-and-famous-knight). The cheering crowd was rejoicing. So Fredrik-the-brave-and-famous-knight raised his shield to cheer back to the exulting people. And one little girl yelled up to him: "Let me have your shield so I can show off with it in front of my parents, so they can be proud of me!". And because Fredrik-the-brave-and-famous-knight was so brave and famous, he wanted to hand his shield to the cute little girl. But some egoistic merchandise-trader had the girl pushed away so he gets the shield. By that moment, the cupbearer of the king happened to cross the road and that trader fell over him. The cupbearer spilled the beer over girl and shield and trader, and - knowing he would be in trouble if the king doesn't get his libation - he started a fight with the trader. The king got knowledge of that incident and received all of the four in audience. The trader was hung on the market place the next day, the girl got the shield and Fredrik-the-brave-and-famous-knight was being married to the kings daughter. The cupbearer got promoted because he defended the king's beer that bravely and is now known as cupbearer-the-brave.

Is that OK to everyone?