Bloodstock 04

Hi Paul !!!
Don't know who you are but i'm saying Hi anyways because i'm at work so what else am I supposed to ....Yeah right! :p

Any of you lot like a bit of Thrash metal ??
Such as Destruction, Annihilator, Exodus, Testament, Dark Angel, Sodom, Kreator etc? If so join me in begging for one of these amazing Thrash metal bands to play Bloodstock 2004!!!

"Bloodbath....The Blood is never yours"
divineslayer666 said:
Hi Paul !!!
Don't know who you are but i'm saying Hi anyways because i'm at work so what else am I supposed to ....Yeah right! :p

Any of you lot like a bit of Thrash metal ??
Such as Destruction, Annihilator, Exodus, Testament, Dark Angel, Sodom, Kreator etc? If so join me in begging for one of these amazing Thrash metal bands to play Bloodstock 2004!!!

"Bloodbath....The Blood is never yours"

Love all them bands myself, I'd epecially love to see Kreator play. The American ones might be a bit too pricy to get over here. Annihilator, testament etc.
annihilator would rule! exodus too would be good... new album and all.. sounds possible... apart from the fact that it would cost a fortune, oh well, maybe next year...
It is just a dream really but you never know what could happen eh! I'm supposadly going to Wacken and Destruction are confirmed for that so should be fun! If my mate can find a decent job by then so he can afford to come with me! :p
Plus Cathederal are going aswel and I love them! Or at least the 5 or 6 songs i've heard..hehe
What ever happened to Corrosion of Conformity anyway? They had some great stuff out a decade or so ago...
Anyone heard of Nocturnal Rites? I think they are great band....I love the singers voice! ......sometimes has similarities with that of masterplan vocalist who as you should know is fucking amazing singer!
Just any decent Thrash metal band would be cool. Something to get me doing some crazy fast fucking headbanging!
Why doesn't people headbang properly anymore? I go to clubs etc and something really heavy and fast will come on and I'm going at it on the dancefloor headbanging and other people are attempting but they just don't do it propery....damn wannabe metalers :p
Some people even skank to metal....that just doesn't work really does it!
I mean I skank to Nelly the Elephant just because it's totally funny..hehe

Anyways so I just want some proper fucking headbanging music!!!!
Thrash would be perfect!
divineslayer666 said:
Why doesn't people headbang properly anymore? I go to clubs etc and something really heavy and fast will come on and I'm going at it on the dancefloor headbanging and other people are attempting but they just don't do it propery....damn wannabe metalers :p

After the Nu Metal backlash against old school in the mid-late 90s the art was not passed on to the next generation. A lot of kids thought me uncool back then, now that shake my hand and tell me how cool I am.

Find your local underground metal people, and you'll find people who can still headbang!
Screw headbanging, windmilling is where it's at!
That's a shame Eagle, but I'd rather have had a neck injury now than have missed the 80s thrash scene :(
i agree joe my man.. a neck injury is a fair price to pay for the glory days of trash... due to my parents slackness in having children and deciding to have my brother first i missed all those glorious events... i was alive but to be fair i dont think 5 year olds can appreciate thrash... although im sure as hell gonna give it a whirl when/if i have children (of bodom!... sorry havent quite got over that news yet...)
Well i'm a headbanger...that's what feels right to me! If i'm the only one at clubs whos headbanging properly then so be it :p
Least i'm joined by many others at the likes of Bloodstock!

Man I do envy people with long hair's not quite the same headbanging with short hair...haha
Unfortunately my hair just doesn't grow very well when I grow it goes into this stupid looking mushroom style and i'd have to have itl ike that for about 2 years before it was a good length!!! And noway am I doing that!

Wish I was around in the 80s!!!....well technically I was but since I was only born in 1985 then I wasn't exactly a metalhead at that time :p
You have to go through the 'mushroom' stage, it's always an unfortunate side effect... but think of it as purgatory to the heaven that is long hair!