-Gavin- Gavornator Jul 21, 2003 12,293 61 48 37 Oulu, Finland Sep 5, 2004 #22 Wait till my load of people get their photos developed and scanned, it should total like 50-60. and Sinergy were way fucking better than CoB.
Wait till my load of people get their photos developed and scanned, it should total like 50-60. and Sinergy were way fucking better than CoB.
Dream Thief Soul Of The Black Forest Oct 9, 2003 752 0 16 46 Land of the Free www.power-metal.co.uk Sep 5, 2004 #23 Yeah, I have to say Sinergy took Friday night by storm and I enjoyed their set even more than the Children Of Bodom one!! Sinergy rock!!!
Yeah, I have to say Sinergy took Friday night by storm and I enjoyed their set even more than the Children Of Bodom one!! Sinergy rock!!!
-Gavin- Gavornator Jul 21, 2003 12,293 61 48 37 Oulu, Finland Sep 5, 2004 #25 Sinergy are better than CoB, period.
arch_enemy666 I Wanna Rock! Sep 14, 2003 380 0 16 40 California Visit site Sep 5, 2004 #26 set lists anyone
-Gavin- Gavornator Jul 21, 2003 12,293 61 48 37 Oulu, Finland Sep 5, 2004 #27 CoB did a bogstandard set... they did however play Deadnight and Warheart... But no TLAS or KTS.
rayden_ad The Pyrenean Country Jul 7, 2004 753 0 16 ANDORRA Sep 5, 2004 #28 NeedledWarheart said: Sinergy are better than CoB, period. Click to expand... Sinergy, kalmah, anything worse than CoB ? nah just kidding
NeedledWarheart said: Sinergy are better than CoB, period. Click to expand... Sinergy, kalmah, anything worse than CoB ? nah just kidding
dg2112rhoads rabid dabid May 11, 2002 317 1 18 40 Blackbeard's Bluff, Queenstown MD nakedchickenmd.tripod.com Sep 5, 2004 #29 Im back online, sorry, talking to myself, good to see they played deadnight
Lanterns 1 girl in her cups May 5, 2003 4,769 53 48 41 East Bumblefuck Sep 5, 2004 #30 im drunk was there much SPITTING by Alexi? heheh aww heheheheh
persephone28 Immortal Jun 27, 2004 332 0 16 New York Sep 6, 2004 #31 Glad to hear that you guys had a great time. Cant wait to see some pics.
fridaY13th Champion of the WORLD Oct 19, 2002 373 2 18 39 West London. www.planetcarl.com Sep 6, 2004 #32 wish i could have made it
fridaY13th Champion of the WORLD Oct 19, 2002 373 2 18 39 West London. www.planetcarl.com Sep 6, 2004 #33 donate to my paypal for guitar strings fernandes_carl@yahoo.co.uk any proceeds would be great £££££ ---- shameless ad
donate to my paypal for guitar strings fernandes_carl@yahoo.co.uk any proceeds would be great £££££ ---- shameless ad
Sir Mulkalot Member Sep 6, 2004 71 0 6 46 Leeds UK www.power-metal.co.uk Sep 6, 2004 #35 NeedledWarheart said: CoB did a bogstandard set... they did however play Deadnight and Warheart... But no TLAS or KTS. Click to expand... Naw! it wasnt that bad! personally Bloodstock was one of the best time ive seen them to be honest! i was hoping for Lake Bodom though!
NeedledWarheart said: CoB did a bogstandard set... they did however play Deadnight and Warheart... But no TLAS or KTS. Click to expand... Naw! it wasnt that bad! personally Bloodstock was one of the best time ive seen them to be honest! i was hoping for Lake Bodom though!
Jamie FT The Master's Apprentice Jul 19, 2004 59 0 6 35 Leeds UK Sep 6, 2004 #36 Hey it's another leeds man!, anyway, I thought bodom were really good but I guess not everyone can be happy.......
Hey it's another leeds man!, anyway, I thought bodom were really good but I guess not everyone can be happy.......
-Gavin- Gavornator Jul 21, 2003 12,293 61 48 37 Oulu, Finland Sep 6, 2004 #37 "Hey it's another leeds man!" BOOOOOOO
Dream Thief Soul Of The Black Forest Oct 9, 2003 752 0 16 46 Land of the Free www.power-metal.co.uk Sep 6, 2004 #38 Another Leeds man here too....cue another chorus of boo's Well, technically I'm a Wakefielder but I spend most of my time in Leeds!!
Another Leeds man here too....cue another chorus of boo's Well, technically I'm a Wakefielder but I spend most of my time in Leeds!!
arch_enemy666 I Wanna Rock! Sep 14, 2003 380 0 16 40 California Visit site Sep 6, 2004 #39 well what was sinergys set
-Gavin- Gavornator Jul 21, 2003 12,293 61 48 37 Oulu, Finland Sep 6, 2004 #40 Dream Thief said: Another Leeds man here too Click to expand... BOOOOO!!!!!!!