Blu-Ray or HD-DVD

I'm so fookin' stoked that this blasted format war is over. Now that I know Bluray will be around for awhile I'm contemplating selling my 360 and games and putting the money straight into a PS3.

It'll be the exact same thing just now I'll be able to enjoy HD movies
Can I ask some dumb questions? Is Toshiba the only company that made HD DVD players?

Are we 100% sure no companies are going to make HD DVD players?

And what would happen if I played a BLUE RAY DVD on an HD DVD player? Would it be high def or not?
1. don't know or care.
2. They'd be rather retarded to do so
3. It probably wouldn't even work, it would be like putting a DVD in a CD-Rom drive, its not that it would be the size of a CD, it just wouldn't be recognized and work.
so are HD-DVD hardwware and software prices are going to nosedive? ... there is a pretty large catalog of HDDVD movies out there that might be worth pennies on the dollar, and the HDDVD player if it gets down in the $50 range might be worth buying as it plays regular dvd's as well
so are HD-DVD hardwware and software prices are going to nosedive? ... there is a pretty large catalog of HDDVD movies out there that might be worth pennies on the dollar, and the HDDVD player if it gets down in the $50 range might be worth buying as it plays regular dvd's as well
Do you have a large collection of movies? I own like 30 DVDs. But never actually watch them.

i have about 150 movies ... only stuff that i know will watch over in due time or want to "introduce" others to them.
for example I own every single Scorsese and Mann movie.
1. don't know or care.
2. They'd be rather retarded to do so
3. It probably wouldn't even work, it would be like putting a DVD in a CD-Rom drive, its not that it would be the size of a CD, it just wouldn't be recognized and work.

:lol:Ok, so basically you don't know for sure any of my questions.:rock:
This is the key. I just find that I never reach for these movies. Ironically, if I'm flipping channels, and one of the movies is on, I'll watch it. Odd...


Wierd. Same here, although I don't own too many movies. I also stop and watch entire movies that I've seen a million times or could very easily rent from Netflix - stuff like Dirty Harry. I'll be like "AALLLRIIGGHT! DIRTY HARRY'S ON!"