BM feeling without BM repetition - does it exist?


May 16, 2004
Over the past few months or so I've really fallen in love with the ambience and mood of black metal and just the raw sorrowful feeling found in bands like Drudkh, Windir, and others. But one thing that really gets to me is the repetition. Both the aforementioned bands repeat 2 or 3 riffs for about 10 minutes and while they are almost always excellent riffs it DOES get boring eventually. Can anyone name me some bands that can evoke this particular kind of bm feeling (more sorrowful, not spooky) without the repetition (i.e. more riffs in one song).

Helheim (demo and first 2 full-lengths)
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
Manes (pre Vilosophe)

Damn, I rule.
Emperor, Taake, Arcturus

P.S. That so called repetition is part of the bm and has its purpose.
Demilich said:
sometimes, but that also works conveniently as an excuse for lame-asses who have little to no musical ideas of their own!
There is always crap, but there is also a lot of quality stuff.

Immortal "At The Heart Of Winter" is also a good choice.

Well I could add Fleurety, Code, Ved Buens Ende,
Morbid_Corpse said:
Abyssic Hate :D
I reckon you would like 'em a far bit.
Download anything off Suicidal Emotions.
Abyssic Hate are one of the most repeatitive bands I've ever heard (not that it's a totally bad thing).
Sacramentum, Dissection, Dawn, Astriaal and so forth - your more melodic black metal with thicker production will probably do the job. Plus song length is a little shorter as well - so it gets less "repetitive"

Although, if you like the more minimalistic music, you generally don't notice it being "repetitive". When I listen to Drudkh - Autumn Aurora, it almost feels like 10 mins has passed at most (after like 35mins of music), due to its engrossing nature - as I expect most ambient black metal to be. This ofcourse does not mean you can listen to the album 7 or 8 times in a row - anything gets dull after that. But I don't know that you are really enjoying the albums (the way I would expect people to) if you find them tedious, unless you are listening to them 7 times in a row, or whatever, in which case, more riffs won't help .....
Check out Grand Belial's Key...melodic riffing, little repetition. The lyrics and musicianship are impressive.

edit: I think I remember you being Christian. In that case, I wouldn't recommend you downloading this.
How about Abigor? I haven't heard there newer albums, but there older ones (Orkblut, Nachthymnen, Opus IV) have very little repitition.
Thanks guys keep it up.

@Perdition's Light: Yeah I'm a Christian but reccommend me anything I'll decide whether or not I want to actually buy it ;)

EDIT: WOW thanks for that Belenos reccommendation. REALLY good stuff! (that's the kind of thing I'm looking for).
Antaeus- Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan would also fit the bill quite nicely. So would both Watain albums, and Gorgoroth's Antichrist.

EDIT- and Nox Intempesta's "De Lieder Von Tod und Ewigkeit" and "Damnanus-Dominum".