BM feeling without BM repetition - does it exist?

There are some really great recommendations in here.

Antaeus, GBK, Watain, Abigor, Belenos, Sacramentum, Dissection, Blut Aus Nord (Fathers)

these all fit your criteria for non repetitive black metal. not so melancholy though, at least most of them aren't.
I think Black Metal has some repetition always.
Still you might like the following albums, they are not that repetitious and still have loads of feeling:
Gorgoroth: Antichrist
Ulver: Bergtatt

You might also want to try Celtic Frost's "Into Mega Therion". It has some blackish feeling about it and is called bm by most people, though i think it sounds more like heavy/thrash/traditional metal + atmosphere.
The power metal album "Night of the Stormrider" also has a black metallish atmosphere.
But that might be too far fetched...
WNxScythe said:
Thanks guys keep it up.

@Perdition's Light: Yeah I'm a Christian but reccommend me anything I'll decide whether or not I want to actually buy it ;)

EDIT: WOW thanks for that Belenos reccommendation. REALLY good stuff! (that's the kind of thing I'm looking for).

Well i suppose that you're not that narrow-minded christian then :grin:

p.s. try Sunchariot awesome stuff
Minimalistic black metal has a more stripped down feeling to it, sort of. "Vikingligr Veldi" is way too grande, and its production is too full to create that barren, bleak soundscape that really minimalistic black metal do.
Crimson Velvet said:
Repetativeness does not necesarily mean minimalism.

You all are overthinking it, listen to the music, if you like it, keep listening to it, if you dont, fuck it.
kmik said:
Vikinglir Veldi which is supposedly their masterpiece is VERY minimalistic.

As is Eld. Eld is up there with Bathory's Hammerheart for pure Viking genius.

Eld... FARK. What an album.

Enslaved are the shit.
Burzum isn't nearly as repetitive as almost any other Black Metal band out there, at least not the actual Black Metal tracks.