BM tapes


Apr 7, 2016
Anyone here like black metal tapes?
I just listened to Triphane - XXVII
actually really great, wished they didn't limit it to just 100 copies

What are some of your favorite finds?
Can share some of mine after I get off of work
I gotta tape from Drowning The Light, but I had to get my friend to buy it for me, I don't have a credit card and PayPal identifies you if you're 18 years or older which is bullshit. So I want to get more but I cant, except through my friend
Only tapes I buy are Black Twilight Circle stuff and the rare oddball demo I can't get any other way. It's a dick pain for me to play cassettes so I won't buy em unless they're over over 15 minutes... Over 20 minutes if the damn thing is expensive.
Finally home
Some of my favorites are
Axnaar - Unbanished Evil
Grafvölluđr - Grafvölluđr (Promo)
Sulphuric Night - Endless Night
Thanatos Glare - I
Urzeit - Der Zweite Drei

That's just some good ones I picked at random
thumbnails just in case the cover art intrigues you
cover.jpg Cover.jpg sulphuric night master.jpg cover.jpg cover.jpg
image.jpeg Here's a few faves from my collection Lampades, greed &rapacity, North, Grand Mood, Ghost Kommando, Circle Of Ouroborus, Seven Deadly Sins/Sabbaoth from GoatPenis).
Here is a few of mine:
Angantyr - Endløs
Angantyr - Nordens Stolte Krigere
The Black - The Black
Dödfödd - Besvärjelse för Omvänd Rekreation
Various Artists - Manifesto of Subterranean Obscurity
Watain - The Ritual Macabre
WOD - Rekwifrîhalsjaz
WOD - Obskyr Förbannelse

Haven't bought a tape in years I think. Things released on tape nowdays, especially when we are talking bm are usually that because it's to boring for any label to put out on CD anyway. With exceptions ofcourse.
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This isn't bm but my friend has Lord Mantis - Pervertor on cassette which was limited to 100 copies
sick release