Board acting wonky today?

Last night I couldn't access the board at all. Sometimes I have to clear my cookies and temp files when that happens and then everything is ok. Last night it didn't help though. you guys ever have to go into your temp internet files folder and your cookies folder and manually delete everything?

For some reason on my pc using the built in delete setting on I.E. or the disk cleanup utility won't actually delete all of the files so I have to go in every once in a while and clean 'em out.
I couldn't log in today for a long time. It is nothing to do with my folders or cookies, they were only just cleaned out.
For a long time I just kept getting a standard error page, then, after a while, I got a typical 504 error.
Too many people trying to access UM?
Ok, I think I finally fixed the problem. :cool:

I think that there was something wrong with my bookmark. Something must've happened to it when I upgraded. I used the link on our website to come here instead, and the problem went away. I replaced my bookmark, and so far so good.

I can't imagine what could've been wrong to make that happen (images not displaying), or why it was only this site, but I'm glad it's fixed anyway. :)