My official apology to the board

Ok so he writes this thread. Then posts a picture of him with an expensive top talking crap, and goes on about not making a 'deal' with some girls hes into, and once again being a douchebag. He hasnt changed and never will.
Awww man, I got fired from my first job. :erk:
Look if he keeps being a stupid ass and talking about himself, I'll continue to be a happy member of the anti-dave cyber army, but I havent been here as long as most of you so I havent had to listen to as much of his bs, thus I decided to give him a chance to redeem himself in my eyes. Plus, even if he does stop talking about himself, you know at least half the crap he posts is probably gonna be retarded anyway, so there will be no reason for everyone to stop being dicks to him. Please let me keep my job King Richard! :)

Alright alright. You are reinstated. Just leave him on ignore until the end of time.
Ok so he writes this thread. Then posts a picture of him with an expensive top talking crap, and goes on about not making a 'deal' with some girls hes into, and once again being a douchebag. He hasnt changed and never will.

1)the D & G shirt thing was a joke, relax

2)if you are referring to my post in the crying virgins thread, I am not sure what I did wrong there. I was just getting some frustration out (the last few weeks, I have had 3 or 4 girls I could have fucked but I wasn't able to close them due to my inexperience in this whole dating thing).
I love internet drama.

I'm actually disappointed to see that you're apologizing for your behavior, Dave. If it's not a ruse, it means I can't look forward to laughing my ass off at your posts. You're like one of the most unintentionally funny people I've ever seen post on a forum before. :lol:
I love internet drama.

I'm actually disappointed to see that you're apologizing for your behavior, Dave. If it's not a ruse, it means I can't look forward to laughing my ass off at your posts. You're like one of the most unintentionally funny people I've ever seen post on a forum before. :lol:
No big loss. You'll still have Blue_Jay.