My official apology to the board

1. Click off your internet pages.

2. Go outside and look at something.
Well dave, if you really are going to play nice from now on I think I will not ignore you. You are a fellow work-outer after all. Whats your name on, I'm considering joining their forum thingy.
yes, 'tis the infamous one, one who only goes by the name "big dave"

listen guys I am really sorry for acting like an utter fucking douchebag last few weeks. I suppose I got a kick out of trolling the fuck out of the board. I realize this was childish and I have stopped it.

so anyways, I hope we can put all the nonsense in the past behind us and just have some fun on here.

I am sorry for acting like a fucking cunt

sincerely yours

tha infamous one.

Only took you 4 days and 21 hours to make this post. I'm a bit surprised it happened so fast to be honest. But anyways, I've got a few questions for you.

1. Why are you apologizing?
2. Do you really know why we started this movement against you?
3. What did it feel like to know that 26+ other posters here were all in agreement about your horrible personality and obvious trolling?
4. How exactly do you plan to change?

Whether or not this vow is dismantled will depend on how you answer these questions. Keep in mind, not everyone may be serious about the vow, but some of us are.

I'd also like to point out that this has been going on for longer than a month. Ever since you came to this board you've been hated on because of how you act. So it's not like this is just a recent thing.
Well dave, if you really are going to play nice from now on I think I will not ignore you. You are a fellow work-outer after all. Whats your name on, I'm considering joining their forum thingy.

You're fired.
Well dave, if you really are going to play nice from now on I think I will not ignore you. You are a fellow work-outer after all. Whats your name on, I'm considering joining their forum thingy.

if you plan on posting in the music section, let me warn you

there are a few members who dont want people to talk about metal openly on the board and will neg you into oblivion, if you do decide to come ill rep you when i can so you wont be red

because if youre red, people will never take you seriously
Only took you 4 days and 21 hours to make this post. I'm a bit surprised it happened so fast to be honest. But anyways, I've got a few questions for you.

1. Why are you apologizing?
2. Do you really know why we started this movement against you?
3. What did it feel like to know that 26+ other posters here were all in agreement about your horrible personality and obvious trolling?
4. How exactly do you plan to change?

Whether or not this vow is dismantled will depend on how you answer these questions. Keep in mind, not everyone may be serious about the vow, but some of us are.

I'd also like to point out that this has been going on for longer than a month. Ever since you came to this board you've been hated on because of how you act. So it's not like this is just a recent thing.

Only took you 4 days and 21 hours to make this post. I'm a bit surprised it happened so fast to be honest. But anyways, I've got a few questions for you.

1. Why are you apologizing?
2. Do you really know why we started this movement against you?
3. What did it feel like to know that 26+ other posters here were all in agreement about your horrible personality and obvious trolling?
4. How exactly do you plan to change?

Whether or not this vow is dismantled will depend on how you answer these questions. Keep in mind, not everyone may be serious about the vow, but some of us are.

I'd also like to point out that this has been going on for longer than a month. Ever since you came to this board you've been hated on because of how you act. So it's not like this is just a recent thing.

Notice how he doesn't respond to this.
You're fired.

Awww man, I got fired from my first job. :erk:
Look if he keeps being a stupid ass and talking about himself, I'll continue to be a happy member of the anti-dave cyber army, but I havent been here as long as most of you so I havent had to listen to as much of his bs, thus I decided to give him a chance to redeem himself in my eyes. Plus, even if he does stop talking about himself, you know at least half the crap he posts is probably gonna be retarded anyway, so there will be no reason for everyone to stop being dicks to him. Please let me keep my job King Richard! :)
I think I'll probly keep ignoring him until it's been long enough to tell whether he's actually serious about not being a dickhead anymore. Of course, if he really does want a second chance, he probably realizes that if he fucks that one up we'll be ignoring him until the end of time.

I love how many people stood behind him during this, and said the rest of us were being mean and immature, when it turns out he was actually trolling on purpose.

if you plan on posting in the music section, let me warn you

there are a few members who dont want people to talk about metal openly on the board and will neg you into oblivion, if you do decide to come ill rep you when i can so you wont be red

because if youre red, people will never take you seriously

Man, that sounds like the gayest forum ever.
Anyone can apologize and you not making a thread and proving it with posts so people could notice you change would have made you look less of a douchbag so basically you just made yourself a douchebag times two. I hope more people put you on ignore you douchebag and then some.
I actually for the most part don't read your posts because you like money to much so you did not really bother me that much.

Actually since people have you on ignore it would not really matter if you stopped being a douchebag.... so it's like I CAN'T DEAL WITH PEOPLE IGNORING ME ONLINE BECAUSE I'M A DOUCHEBAG

For a body builder you are a fucking pussy and your big arms don't scare anyone. A girl could kick your ass.