An apology

From the posts he has done for now, I think everything why over-constructive. Ban him? Haha no just kiding. Anyway, the notion of "fun" changes from one to another I guess. I shall help you find the concerned thread by suggesting you to find Mikael's profile, and check for all his comments. In one of them, he ends by saying...

"And yes, by the way, you are banned"

...which made me laugh. Gilmour is a king.

Thanks; tried this, nothing came up. Maybe I'm just stupid. Oh well, it's really not that important, lol.
Lol, thanks for the link, Nasty-Fire, it was quite funny.

I don't know why everyone's panties were in a bunch, personally, I would welcome an abrasive, offensive, extremely opinionated character on this board jerkin' us all around (sorry, but Arasmas just doesn't cut it). Makes shit fun, y'know? I guess coming from 4chan kinda explains why, though :l
i've just read the post. everyone can make mistakes but that's very kind of you to swallow your pride and write such a sincere post.forget the past and welcome back =))