A Formal Apology

Originally posted by Jayde
I have been a horrendous bitch to some people on this board for the past couple of days. I am sorry to those people. But if you're someone who attacked me personally or called me childish then I am NOT sorry for being a horrendous bitch. If you have brought my horrendous bitchiness down on yourself then you deserve it.

PS. I have gone insane.

To err is human.
To admit it, a blunder.:grin:
Sorry you are mistaken. You need to remember at all times that these people makes mistakes and lie to your face when they say they care about you: They dont. No one fucking cares about you here, no one could care less if you die tomorrow, what are you apollogizing for? fuck them all they are not friends of yours ( if they are you need to redefine friendship ) they are not important in your life, we are a bunch of fucking nameless idiots who do not deserve the respect you imply we deserve by apollogizing, we are not to be respected we are to be used as toys for your manipulation and pleasure and for your needs to let stuff out your chest, we are the toy to play with, the enemy to hate, the obsession to disturb with, the idiot to mock, the annoying asshole/whore to dislike, the stupid fans of a great music band that do not give a fuck about you and nor will they ever will.

thanks for that uplifting speach
It's a pity really....... this started of as such a nice thread... and immediately degenerated into one of those old school bitch threads:cry: .

Oh and Jayde, I'm not sure how 'everyone' managed to be against you but if I was to state plainly that I happen to agree with how you've chosen to reply to a lot of posts more often thatn not, would you take it the wrong way and put me in the 'against' column too?:confused:


Oh and congratulations there Misanthrope, I think you've singlehandedly managed to redefine the term 'pessimistic'.... and I though I was pessimistic at times...sheesh.
Hehehe yea but i wont cry and ask for forgiveness. We all have outlooks of life and mine was forged by learning from disapointments. As Becker says: "No expectations = No disappointments"
or better yet No Hope=No Fear!!!

It's funny, I went thru some of that shit 7-8 yrs ago.
I don't expect anything.

Let's put it this way. It's easier for a pessimist to be pleasantly surprised :tickled:
Well, I ain't giving up on pleasures of this world yet. I've just chosen not to sweat it though.:lol: :lol: :lol:

When's the last you got laid? (Serious question)
Allright, it would be good if you could find someone to relate to in a certain level. Don't fall in love though, cuz at the first crack you'll hate women for life.

I'm serious, try to make a couple of female friends. They'll most likely think differently from your male friends, and can make for excellent companionship. If you get laid in the process all the better. (and I mean this in serious non-condescening tone).