Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

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Metal you are awesome as always !!!!

I'm with ShadesofGray on the home made caramel corn. I was at the tasting for our company holiday party last week with the caterer and they had this amazing home made caramel corn. I thought I would just die it was so good. They also make their own marshmallows -- when you get them, they're still warm OMG
yardleybates said:
They also make their own marshmallows -- when you get them, they're still warm OMG

Ooooh, aaaaaahhh... Now I'm not a huge marshmallow fan, but I went to the Melting Pot (fondue) for dinner last Wed. and for dessert, we chose the "Chocolate Dream Cookies and Cream." It's chocolate (I got it w/ milk not dark choc.), with marshmallow and Oreo bits. They give you a gigantic plate w/ strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, cheesecake, poundcake, pineapple, and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. I thought it would be okay. It was divine, esp. the bananas... tasted like a banana split. We finished off the whole thing, after that huge dinner. :D

Anyone ever put PEEPS into the Microwave? It's a hoot! My son and I laugh about it every Easter....


Not that I'm teaching him bad things or anything.

Alright I lied. I'm a bad influence on my own child!

Does anybody else get the feeling that Lord Melithor and LadyLovelyLocks might be the same troll....errr....uhm....person?

BTW, Lord Melithor, it's "YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT" rather than "YOUR FULL OF SHIT".
lady_space said:
If you have to get it all out of your system, type up all your feelings and then hit DELETE.


HAHA, this is exactly what my boss told us to do before emailing Customers in our meeting today :)

MetalRose said:
Anyone ever put PEEPS into the Microwave?

All the time! :grin: I love watching the bunnies and the chicks balloon up in to giants! If you put them in too long, they explode.
I haven't done it the last few Easters... getting older sucks...

I had Kettle corn for the first time last month. It is awesome! I love all kinds of popcorn...gee i'm hungry...

lady_space said:
Feeling tempted?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

:worship: You win... I had to make popcorn - the Devil made me do it!

sadly, no kettle corn could be found......

...but BUTTER LIGHT works just as well!!

My favorite peeps are the vanilla flavored
Easter eggs with the multi-colored sugar sprinkles.

It's all about the multi-colored sugar sprinkles :rock:
Jim LotFP said:
oh noes, somebody on teh intraweb said your fiance was out of line and *gasp* INCORRECT ABOUT SOMETHING! IT'S TIME TO START A WAR!

Maybe you can flip them off from across the room and not realize it goes unnoticed because nobody's paying attention to *you*.

must not laugh...

must not laugh...

oh hell with it...


Sanna, pass the popcorn.

Jim kiss my ass!
Everyone else kiss ass!
You dont like it when someone says something thats not even ment to harm anyone and attack that person just because you dont like it FUCK YOU!
You people make me sick the messege board was created to express freedom of speech. But you people find freedom of speech only what you want to hear! You are the ones that rather see fat ugly insecure whores in corsettes than hear progressive/power metal! You people make me sick and you are the reason the world is so fucking full of shit! This will be the last you hear of me because this is a waste of my time. I mean playing fable is more eventfull than talking to you people! Yes i do not care if like me and i dont care if you do like me because i dont need the attention of others to make me feel important! You all can kiss my ass and suck the hairy back end of a sweaty monkey ! Jim personally you look like an ass and you havent proved me wrong way to go ! This is the final post for me and ladylovelylocks she gave up long ago i should have done the same, but you people tick me off so much! We are suppose to be brothers in metal but all you have done is made us outcasts.
There is no family here just a bunch of angry people with bugs up their butts and until you people realize other people have opinions to there will always be fights on here just get the fuck along!

No longer your brother in metal!
Lord Melithor
Turn about is far play (teart others as you would want to be treated) read that carefully and repeat maybe you will learn something from those words!
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