A Formal Apology

Jayde, you're signature is not funny, by the way. actually its quite dumb if you ask me.

the Korn thing's quite different. They're not artistic, thus the subjectivity doesn't has a lot to do with their musical level at all.

anyway, there were people who considered Dali to have a really dumb sense of humor in his paintings. not that I'm comparing Dali to AC in the artistical way, but the point gets through, I believe.
<Sings Along> Tom Arnold Tom Arnold Tom ARNOLD!!!!!!
Recycling IS GAAAYYYY!!!!!

I still think its better than listening to Jonathon Davis from Korn cry into a microphone.
Oh, wow. You're right! My signature is completely stupid because a worthless Anal Cunt fan thinks so. I'll change it immediately. :rolleyes:

So, I say something you don't like and then you make fun of my signature?? Sorry, but that's what's stupid.

actually its quite dumb if you ask me.
But did I ask you?
Originally posted by Jayde
Oh, wow. You're right! My signature is completely stupid because a worthless Anal Cunt fan thinks so. I'll change it immediately. :rolleyes:

I was trying to make my point through that, not asking you to change it. And so, by your reasoning, if I listen to Anal Cunt then I'm worthless?

So, I say something you don't like and then you make fun of my signature?? Sorry, but that's what's stupid.

what fun did I make out of your signature? I don't see the funny thing in it.

But did I ask you?

that's an expression, equal to say "in my opinion". thought you knew that. anyway, if you want to get technical then see the phrase goes "if I ask you", which really means "in the case you might want to know", not that I asked you.
Okay, so she/he says all this shit to me and yet it's MY time of the month? Riiiiiiiiight this all makes perfect sense now. :rolleyes: Obviously I can't say anything anymore without getting some smart ass remark in return.
shit guys, I started a thread about injustice. I think jayde has become the latest victim of said injustice. take it easy. You guys aren't being fair.

And yes Anal Cunt sucks both!
well, following the last post, I am convinced: looks like the gentlest, the noblest of human beings are prone themselves to be sickly, to act like ravenous hyenas when the chance comes up. I'm dissappointed.
The whole world is against me, I swear. Except for (possibly) E V I L, but you never know. he could be the next to turn mean.
Originally posted by Jayde
The whole world is against me, I swear. Except for (possibly) E V I L, but you never know. he could be the next to turn mean.

No - I think a few are riding the high horse of "Ill shit on you", just to see how pissed off you'll get. One day you'll learn who and what to tune out.
When the world is making you feel down, lay upside down for a few minutes, get up, hold your breath, stand up really fast and start walking while you hold your breath. Then as you're walking and losing conciousness, for a very brief moment you will have a satori, for the smallest moment everything will be perfect and make sense, and then you'll open your eyes with the fucking door hinge jammed into your back, but it was worth it, wasn't it? (I've never tried to do this on purpose but it's happened accidentally)
I have been a horrendous bitch to some people on this board for the past couple of days. I am sorry to those people. But if you're someone who attacked me personally or called me childish then I am NOT sorry for being a horrendous bitch. If you have brought my horrendous bitchiness down on yourself then you deserve it.

Sorry you are mistaken. You need to remember at all times that these people makes mistakes and lie to your face when they say they care about you: They dont. No one fucking cares about you here, no one could care less if you die tomorrow, what are you apollogizing for? fuck them all they are not friends of yours ( if they are you need to redefine friendship ) they are not important in your life, we are a bunch of fucking nameless idiots who do not deserve the respect you imply we deserve by apollogizing, we are not to be respected we are to be used as toys for your manipulation and pleasure and for your needs to let stuff out your chest, we are the toy to play with, the enemy to hate, the obsession to disturb with, the idiot to mock, the annoying asshole/whore to dislike, the stupid fans of a great music band that do not give a fuck about you and nor will they ever will.