Opeth forum will close down?

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Come on people, enough with bashing Mr Sam. He moderated this forum well, IMO. You can never eliminate trolling altogether, and he would have looked like a petty tyrant if he had banned every person the first time they made a retarded statement. Now, abusive speech, thats another thing, but just acting stupid is not reason enough to ban someone outright, unless they do it a fair number of times. So please, stop dumping on Mr Sam.
the thing is that no one could prevent Mike from reading that first post bashing Jacob and no one could see that Arasmas Fucker flaring it up.

I insist, we need a couple of Troll Hunters here...Sorry, we needed..:waah:
I honestly didn't see this coming although it's been clear that this forum has some issues... Almost every other forum I visit, has a better overall atmosphere.

The forum being closed doesn't really bother me that much though, because I have basically stopped posting on the Opeth forum area. But hey, at best it was fun.
And unfortunately, some people like Nicholas Wolfwood actually support and encourage the trolls. I think that's one of the major defects of this forum: too many people like the trolls here.

lol what are you talking about, I just happened to agree with many points that skulk and bang made over the last year or so (because they were generally valid points).

anyone bashing sam is a dolt btw. either way people are going to consider it the wrong way to moderate, whether he was too strict or too loose.
I didn't see this coming either but it's understandable. The amount of "dickery" that goes on here is atrocious. Samsara has done the best he could but there is only so much that one person can do. I'll be sad to see the forum go but on the complete off chance that it stays, in some shape or form, one of the things that the place would need is a few more mods to help Samsara out. Sammy baby, that's my new name for you, you've done a great job here and shouldn't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Like I said, there is only so much that one person can do.
Moderating is an emotion-led task, but also a political one.

It could be fair to ban everyone who deserves it, but, then again, It is in the essence of a forum to give room to any kind of opinions, isnt' it?
I think it's experimentation time. The critics can moderate this forum for one week, and Samsara can troll the crap out of as many threads possible, using the techniques he has had to battle over the years. :kickass:
Others are free to join in on the fun.

Then we will see how 'easy' it truly is, when you have assclowns coming at you from every direction.
sad to hear that this place is closing down. I totally understand why Mikael wants it to be down and I dont post here often because there are a lot of immature people. However it was a good place for me to come to check out whats new and if there any new interviews etc. I hope all is for the best and a new forum will open.
I'm thinking that they could just add another moderator and everything would be fine. Deleting the place is such a waste.

Completely agreed.

Mr Samsara said:
I totally disagree with your entire paragraph of completely fallacious bullshit. I guess we simply disagree.


And what exactly am I wrong about? Your way did not work, I saw your post in that other thread that got deleted where you said you were sorry for failing as a moderator, and I thought that was a good post to have made. But now it seems like you are trying to blame everyone else and not take any criticism seriously.

I think this forum should stay, but as an unofficial fan forum (no links from Opeth.com), under new moderation, and with possibly two or three moderators and MetalAges as the administrator.
lol amusing way to end, though i think the fact that most posters who joined more than a few years ago havent posted in a long time says alot, people will move on
Well that saddens me that the forum is being closed down, but honestly I found myself browsing it less and less lately, mainly because I hate idiotic posts. While I may not think that closing down the forum is as right a decision as, say, more damage control or perhaps bringing another moderator on board so that there's more constant watch, but I respect their decision.
Too bad guys, Mike said he won't change his mind :(
Now let's work on a new "official" unofficial forum for the best band !!!!!!!!!

There it was.
The final destiny.
A sunrise that never came,
still the Trolls lurk that never faded away.
Close down was the word,
and the afterglow was the brave morning.
Rising and telling everyone
about the beauty of its prologue.
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