Bobby Fisher is dead.

his mother was a jew or at least half jewish but he's an anti-Semite?
Hitler wasn't half Jew. He would have maybe been quarter, but there is no proof. Hitler's grandma fell pregnant with his dad whilst working in a Jewish household, but seriously there is like 4 people who could have Hitler's grandfather and only two were Jewish, Hitler's dad's uncle is included in that list. The thing that freaks me out about Hitler is the fact his mum was his dads half niece or some shit. That shit is wack!

All in all, Hitler's grandma was a tramp and Hitler's mum was an incest freak.
My pal was in Alabama once and went into a bar. He went to order a beer and crashed into none other than Adolf Hitler. My pal said hey I thought you died like tens of years ago. There's four dead people in the bar and he asks what you do that for? Hitler replies because I said 6 million dead jews isn't enough.

That's it, yea.
My pal was in Alabama once and went into a bar. He went to order a beer and crashed into none other than Adolf Hitler. My pal said hey I thought you died like tens of years ago. There's four dead people in the bar and he asks what you do that for? Hitler replies because I said 6 million dead jews isn't enough.

from millions of jews/hitler jokes, you chose that one? =/
Q)Why do Jew's have big noses?

A)Because Air is free!

Q) Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 1000's of years?

A) One of them dropped a penny!

Nar, I love Jewish people, they run hollywood. And I love movies.