goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

i love Rudy and he certainly kicked major ass before and after 9/11 ... but no man named "Giulliani" will ever run the US ...
he may very well be a neato skeeto guy, but i'll lose what passes for my mind if i have to see campaigns ads about how heroic and shit he was after 9/11

We Will Never Forget...

.....because people like to bring it up all the fucking time
you're right ...

personally, the candidate that stays away from war, 9/11, terrorism and the like topics, will get my vote ...

give me some solutions for problems at home
yep, the one who tells me he/she will lower gas prices, not raise taxes, get us out of iraq, lower health insurance, lower tuition costs, work on the stopping the wave of illegals, and not think gay cowboys are a threat to national security gets this duders vote
We Will Never Forget...

.....because people like to bring it up all the fucking time

a BIG :lol: at this

Also, I'm all for the obvious lowering of the cost of everything but what concerns me is that prices are there for a reason, afaik. Except for oil companies, which I understand to have made trillions and trillion in proifts last year, aren't prices (and taxes) just a reflection of how much shit costs? Health Care is so goddam expensive because A)we have an incredible number of people using the system and not paying anything into it and B) physicians make $150-500,000 a year. And isn't a big portion of gas prices a tax that pays for the roads? Anyway, just curious. Discuss.
yep, the one who tells me he/she will lower gas prices, not raise taxes, get us out of iraq, lower health insurance, lower tuition costs, work on the stopping the wave of illegals, and not think gay cowboys are a threat to national security gets this duders vote

Senator Joe Biden.

Actually, even if Hilary becomes the democrat lead, the party itself will still use Biden's plans on Iraq since, you know, he's actually thought it through. This is what he published in November 2005:

First, we need to build a political consensus, starting with the Constitution, that gives the Kurds, Shi’a, and Sunnis a stake in keeping Iraq together. Iraq cannot be salvaged by military might alone.

Last month, the Constitution passed overwhelmingly. But the vast majority of Sunni Arabs voted “no.” Unless changes are made by next spring, it will become a document that divides rather than unites Iraq.
All sides must compromise. Sunnis must accept the fact that they no longer rule Iraq. But unless Shiites and Kurds give them a stake in the new order, they will continue to resist it.

If the situation devolves into a full-blown civil war, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put Iraq back together again.
Does anyone here support using American troops to fight a civil war against the Sunnis on behalf of the Kurds and Shiites? I don’t – and I doubt many Americans would. But if we fail to forge a political consensus soon, that is what our troops will be dragged into.

The Bush Administration was AWOL until the arrival of Ambassador Khalilzad this summer. We let the Iraqis fend for themselves in writing a Constitution. In our absence, no headway was made.

We can’t make those mistakes again. We need to be fully engaged. Next month, there is an election for the National Assembly, and I expect Sunnis to turn out in large numbers.

After the elections, we must turn our attention immediately to encouraging the Kurds and Shi’a to make genuine compromises.

Our Ambassador can’t be the only one in the room cajoling Iraqis. We need a regional strategy that persuades Iraq’s neighbors to wield their influence with the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds for political compromise. They will do it, because no one other than the terrorists has an interest in Iraq descending into civil war.

The major powers also have a stake. Europe has un-integrated Muslim populations that are vulnerable to Middle East extremism. India and China need stable oil supplies.

Our Allies must get over bruised feelings and help forge a political consensus. We must get over our reluctance to fully involve them.

We should form a Contact Group that becomes Iraq’s primary international interlocutor. That would take some of the burden off of us… and maximize the pressure on Iraq’s main groups to compromise.

I’ve called for a regional strategy and an international Contact Group repeatedly.

So have three former Republican Secretaries of State – Shultz, Kissinger, and Powell.

It’s what the Clinton Administration did in the Balkans. It’s what this Administration did in Afghanistan. Organized, sustained international engagement can make all the difference.
But it will only happen if America leads.


Fucking slam dunk.

That said, I have no problem with Bill Clinton getting back into the white house, behind his wife or otherwise.
god there really are too many of us

and haha, i have to give him recognition for saying "eat a bag of dicks" because its a hilarious phrase and reminds me of the qotsa live banter on "over the years and through the woods"

"hey cocksmoker, eat a bag of dicks."

:lol: x 48109640132371

can we be best matt friends :lol:
didn't giuliani marry his second cousin or cheat on his wife with his second cousin or something? all you have to do is mention the cousin part and the family values types will get all queasy, of course probably not in the south, HIYO
Also, I'm all for the obvious lowering of the cost of everything but what concerns me is that prices are there for a reason, afaik. Except for oil companies, which I understand to have made trillions and trillion in proifts last year, aren't prices (and taxes) just a reflection of how much shit costs?

Yeah, you're pretty much right, thats why my parents raised me never to leap at the "tax cut for votes" solution. It's usually there to sucker in the gullible 'yay I've got an extra $500 at the end of the year' guy.... but it cost the government 3.2 billion dollars' ... was it worth it? Probably not, unless the government somehow had an increase of 3.2 billion dollars from corporate taxes or import tariffs.

That said, for some families, an extra $500 means they can replace their threadbare pants and jackets.

That's my 2 cents, be they Canadian or American cents.

Senator Joe Biden. Fucking slam dunk.

Thats a strategy I think the planet could get behind.

That said, I have no problem with Bill Clinton getting back into the white house, behind his wife or otherwise.

So now it's gonna be the Doggy office instead of the oral office?
Yeah, you're pretty much right, thats why my parents raised me never to leap at the "tax cut for votes" solution. It's usually there to sucker in the gullible 'yay I've got an extra $500 at the end of the year' guy.... but it cost the government 3.2 billion dollars' ... was it worth it? Probably not, unless the government somehow had an increase of 3.2 billion dollars from corporate taxes or import tariffs.

That said, for some families, an extra $500 means they can replace their threadbare pants and jackets.
