goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

I'm sorry, but if you can't see the big picture and how there is a problem in America that goes beyond foreign policy, don't pass that off as an incorrect assumption on my part. Haven't you got any perspective on this during your time out of the country?

Edit: (sorry i was interrupted for a minute)
I never even mentioned specifics. I do believe that "pop music" and "mcdonalds" while they may not be the problem themselves, are indicative of the deeper problems of ass-backwards priorities in government, corporations and media. What fucking freedom do we have? We have the freedom to choose between the options that the government presents us.
I'm sorry, but if you can't see the big picture and how there is a problem in America that goes beyond foreign policy, don't pass that off as an incorrect assumption on my part. Haven't you got any perspective on this during your time out of the country?
uh yeah dude, what the hell do you think i've found? PEOPLE HERE LOVE IMPORTED AMERICAN CULTURE. why do you think mcdonalds is so popular? do you really think that everyone outside of america has some kind of innate anti-corporate anti-globalization sentiment? of course i know there's quite a fucking bit more wrong with america than foreign policy, jesus christ talk about incorrect assumptions!

where the hell did all your hostility come from dude? all i did was point out the incorrect assumption that "they hate us for our lifestyle" which is simply not the case. my comment was intended as a clarification. people around the world aspire to have their imaginary stereotypical "american lifestyle" which, far from the truth though it may be, seems to indicate a fondness for the american products to which they are accustomed.

to put it shortly, people are stupid everywhere.

p.s. i agree with your second paragraph
I know Mcdonalds is popular, I know people worldwide aspire to an American lifestyle, but not the people I'm talking about. I am talking about the jihadis, whose opinions are not all known to me, but who (from what I've heard from Al Quaeda videos and the like) do express some distaste for North American lifestyle. You can generalize all you want and say that other people aren't like that, but I wasn't talking about them so why am I even responding?

And where did my hostility come from? I just don't like being told I said/meant things I didn't. Come on, you're just not seeing this. Maybe you'll catch it some day. Mcdonalds isn't the problem, it represents the problem.

edit: also, I believe I cleared up what I was talking about in the very same post you originally quoted (only you conveniently left this part out):
My concern here is the overt lying, backdoor tactics of Western politicians, which is nothing new, for sure, but the scale of and motivations for this particular war are pretty mindboggling.

I may not have chosen the best words in "our culture, our lifestyle and our ways" but these things do have a lot to do with government, from the constitution of our sociopolitical environment down to the specifics of our daily lives. Many of these things are regulated in deceptive ways by our governments and a great number of citizens simply turn a blind eye to this.
I know Mcdonalds is popular, I know people worldwide aspire to an American lifestyle, but not the people I'm talking about. I am talking about the jihadis, whose opinions are not all known to me, but who (from what I've heard from Al Quaeda videos and the like) do express some distaste for North American lifestyle. You can generalize all you want and say that other people aren't like that, but I wasn't talking about them so why am I even responding?

And where did my hostility come from? I just don't like being told I said/meant things I didn't.
ok, sorry. i apologize for reading something that was really not there. how about i fix it and we'll call it even...oh wait...
Come on, you're just not seeing this. Maybe you'll catch it some day. Mcdonalds isn't the problem, it represents the problem.
pretty please, don't be so fucking condescending. do i look that stupid to you? maybe it hadn't dawned on you that all those damn liberals might actually think deeper than "durrr mcdonalds is like bad and stuff! meat is murder!" so thanks for your patronizing comment, it really made my day. jackass.
Dude, condescending? Do you look stupid? I can't see you, I don't know what you look like, all I have to go off is what you say, and here is what inspired that response:

I do believe that "pop music" and "mcdonalds" while they may not be the problem themselves, are indicative of the deeper problems of ass-backwards priorities in government, corporations and media.

uh yeah dude, what the hell do you think i've found? PEOPLE HERE LOVE IMPORTED AMERICAN CULTURE. why do you think mcdonalds is so popular?

Come on, you're just not seeing this. Maybe you'll catch it some day. Mcdonalds isn't the problem, it represents the problem.

See that? I said it once, you ignored it, I said it again. Condescending? Maybe a bit, but I was just responding to you. You're giving me the impression that what you're looking for here is conflict rather than resolution.
with that comment i was responding to your question "Haven't you got any perspective on this during your time out of the country?" you're taking it out of context; next to your first point my "response" as you would have it looks like a total non-sequitur. i never disagreed with your statement. i'm not even sure what we're arguing at this point.

yeah i've probably been overly hostile but you'd be overly hostile too if you spent last night waking up every half hour while trying to sleep on an uncomfortably crowded bus (made all the more uncomfortable by my over 6'3" height) only to step off at 8am and walk into an exam 15 minutes later
yeah i've probably been overly hostile but you'd be overly hostile too if you spent last night waking up every half hour while trying to sleep on an uncomfortably crowded bus (made all the more uncomfortable by my over 6'3" height) only to step off at 8am and walk into an exam 15 minutes later

so we can just get along now? :p

and i'm 6'6'' so i totally identify with the uncomfortableness of buses, crowded or otherwise the seats are never big enough for me
And the Matt olympics is off to a wonderful start.

1 number one matt point to Matt (CA) for "I can't see you, I don't know what you look like"

1 number one matt point to Matt (Chl) for "eat a bag of dicks"

Updated Rankings

Decadent - 1
Chtulu - 1
Demilich - 1
Guthrum - 0
Doden's - 0
god there really are too many of us

and haha, i have to give him recognition for saying "eat a bag of dicks" because its a hilarious phrase and reminds me of the qotsa live banter on "over the years and through the woods"
Yeah, Decadent's name is not Matt.
Anyway, what was overall theme of the above argument? I can't read that much.
and now Guiliani might run for Pres in 2008.

yeah, just what we need, to be reminded of 9/11 and how he responded for the next two years