goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

That's alot of stuff to read to catch up. I can't do it.
Where's a thread with boobies?

hahaha brilliant welcom back Doomcifer

edit: oh shit! I meant in reference to ost #121. You can take that other one down. Please.
Scumbags infest both sides, and even if I don't like Mz. Pelosi, it's cool to see a woman that high up.

I didn't read this thread. Suck it.

EDIT: haha, I forgot about my boobatar. That's like the 4th time I've done something funny this year.
Lousy communist!

If she does just one of those three, successfully, I'll masturbate to the thought of her on at least one occasion. IF.

That person on the right looks like Footbalm, wtf?!?!?

No... but is that our measuring stick? Do we allow our government to as they please, so long as we get a good eight hours sleep?


Being overly concerned with matters that are far outside our control seems absurd to me. Aslong as the powers that be provide stability within the boundaries of this nation, that is all I can hope for. Not to say that they are doing an excellent job at that, but i'll settle for a satisfactory job of it.

To be honest, I have to agree with you. Thing is, it's not about Iraqi's dying or living under Saddam, it's the fact that the US and British soldiers we sent in have all died in vain.

Every soldier since the beginning of time who has perished at the command of a despot has died in vain.

You sir are an insult to trained chimpanzees everywhere.

however, in response to your comments. Do I Lose sleep? hell no. Think about it all the time? nope. Do I care about the civilians? No. However, the death toll is rather depressing, and the way the Bush/Blair assbanging duo doesn't care if they drive the terrorists into a killing frenzy worries me, and inconveniences me on planes.

Why do you still post here Andrew?!? You came and got what you so desperately needed in life (a female companion). So why are you still here, posting in that condescending tone of yours? Nobody likes you, you provide absolutely nothing to the table my good sir. You don't talk about music, you don't participate in the numerous hysterical threads that litter this forum, you on occasion contribute to the picture thread with some misconceived mind set that we actually care to see your mug. We don't. You're about as entertaining as an expo on house hold appliances. Yet, you seem to reply to every single post I make. Are you in love with me? Is there something Maren should know about?!?! Do you want my cock? What it is about you that creeps me out so much?!?! Must be something with the water up in Vancouver Island eh?!?! Either way, get the fuck off my board!!! This isn't you fucking twit!!!

Furthermore, I'm so disheartened that you have to be hassled an extra hour at the airport all because some jihad warriors decided to Cory Lidle the WTC. Boohoo, sob on my nutsack ye faggot bitch!
What white families?!?! I haven't seen a white family in 15 Years!!!
L O fucking L :lol:

Ronald Dumsfield didn't mean much, he was just some douchebag, and now we get another one that'll probably fuck things up just as bad by going with whatever political wind is blowing at the time. This system needs a reset button, where the fuck are all the Jeffersonians?!
Ronald Dumsfield didn't mean much, he was just some douchebag, and now we get another one that'll probably fuck things up just as bad by going with whatever political wind is blowing at the time. This system needs a reset button, where the fuck are all the Jeffersonians?!

Just don't go the German route and end up with 6 parties in power, no clear majority and a whole lot of bickering so nothing gets done.
You spend 5 weeks bagging some internet broad in Berlin and all of a sudden you're an expert on the politics of the Germanic people?!?! This topic that was laced with bickering ventured towards a fun direction with Sherman Helmsley taking the thread and moving it on up to the eastside.Then you come along Mr. Marecrew Commander, all high and mighty on your perch of promiscuity, spouting off words in which I in all my diligence can not decipher, nor care to. What did you do to land a nice respectable gal like Ms. 2fall? How many e-greetings, games of mailtag, and um private houndings did it take you, for her to be bamboozled by that cASSnova facade in which you portray?!?! Answer me boy!!! But don't dare respond to me in insolence.

If there's one thing I can't stand is an unappreciative degenerate. And to give you such a coinage would be an insult to negars everywhere, for atleast they say "Thank ye mista" if you drop a dime in to their plastic Mcdonald cup. Yet you do not even have the esteem to be considered as high as a degenerate. Choke yourself with that elongated yarmulka and shove those two thumbs straight up your ass, ye deutschland doppleganger of the dystrophy stricken scalawags of Berkenshire! Bug off!!! I was once kind enough to offer you a free cd, do you remember that day candy Andy!?!? The paragon of virtue that I am, from the bottom of my generous heart, offered you a free slayer cd. And what did you do you slimeball, you filthy malcontent, what did you do?!?! You said "Sure, I won't listen to it, but I think I have a friend who will appreciate it." Well there is nothing lowlier than a RE-GIFTER!!! It was a proverbial slap in the face, and don't think for one second of your promiscious life... Oh don't think I don't know about the other handful of UM girls in which you have sedated under that subversive spell of yours. You're a scoundrel which I have no second thoughts on exposing!!!May your visit to Germany end on a Sauernote, ye Krautrocking renegade of the online serenade!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!
You spend 5 weeks bagging some internet broad in Berlin and all of a sudden you're an expert on the politics of the Germanic people?!?! Answer me boy!!! But don't dare respond to me in insolence.

Hell no I'm not an expert, but this is what I see and what I've learned from talking to Germans. There are also perks to the system.

As for answering you: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You spend 5 weeks bagging some internet broad in Berlin and all of a sudden you're an expert on the politics of the Germanic people?!?! This topic that was laced with bickering ventured towards a fun direction with Sherman Helmsley taking the thread and moving it on up to the eastside.Then you come along Mr. Marecrew Commander, all high and mighty on your perch of promiscuity, spouting off words in which I in all my diligence can not decipher, nor care to. What did you do to land a nice respectable gal like Ms. 2fall? How many e-greetings, games of mailtag, and um private houndings did it take you, for her to be bamboozled by that cASSnova facade in which you portray?!?! Answer me boy!!! But don't dare respond to me in insolence.

If there's one thing I can't stand is an unappreciative degenerate. And to give you such a coinage would be an insult to negars everywhere, for atleast they say "Thank ye mista" if you drop a dime in to their plastic Mcdonald cup. Yet you do not even have the esteem to be considered as high as a degenerate. Choke yourself with that elongated yarmulka and shove those two thumbs straight up your ass, ye deutschland doppleganger of the dystrophy stricken scalawags of Berkenshire! Bug off!!! I was once kind enough to offer you a free cd, do you remember that day candy Andy!?!? The paragon of virtue that I am, from the bottom of my generous heart, offered you a free slayer cd. And what did you do you slimeball, you filthy malcontent, what did you do?!?! You said "Sure, I won't listen to it, but I think I have a friend who will appreciate it." Well there is nothing lowlier than a RE-GIFTER!!! It was a proverbial slap in the face, and don't think for one second of your promiscious life... Oh don't think I don't know about the other handful of UM girls in which you have sedated under that subversive spell of yours. You're a scoundrel which I have no second thoughts on exposing!!!May your visit to Germany end on a Sauernote, ye Krautrocking renegade of the online serenade!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!

Dude your word play just gets better and better :lol: