General Zod
Ruler of Australia
Understood. I didn't know you're from L.A.You just don't see them in this here. I only speak of what I'm familiar with.![]()
Understood. I didn't know you're from L.A.You just don't see them in this here. I only speak of what I'm familiar with.![]()
i'm not sure what i failed to answer, but i'll go through them one by one if i must, even though your questions are rather loaded in their wording :Smug:That's the point of playing devil's advocate, isn't it?
Most of my questions went unanswered though so I guess I don't play it very well.
i don't quite follow you. do you mean were people unhappy under saddam? of course!Were not very large portions of the region malcontent?
me said:saddam was terrible, has anybody questioned that?
he was indeed, to his own country. there is no disputing that.Was Saddam not a danger to many people’s happiness and very lives?
me said:saddam was terrible, has anybody questioned that?
not by the current means, which have utterly failed the iraqi peopleShould Saddam and his regime not have been removed?
me said:the united states' objective in this war was not to free the poor oppressed iraqi people from that awful saddam hussein guy, it was to replace the saddam regime, which had long since ceased to be a useful tool in their middle east scheming, with something friendly to US political and business interests, including oil interests. the hypocrisy, the scheming, the double-talk, all of it just serves to illustrate that these self-serving bastards in washington certainly do not have the interests of the iraqi people at heart.
well yeah, but i question whether this war has exactly made things much better within iraq, and it CERTAINLY hasn't made things more secure for the rest of the world, as the american intelligence community has attestedIf one believes they have the power to save and improve lives, should they not attempt to do so?
Whether or not there were other reasons than those stated by the Bush administration, do you really think they would want the kind of death and chaos that persists over there now?
me said:i'm not saying this is all according to the neocons' plan, but it reeks of their shortsightedness in their lip-smacking desperation to launch this war.
Saddam wasn’t about to do anything with every eye around the world on him. But what might have happened once those eyes were redirected?
not on saddam, as i was implying, if you missed thatme said:you ask what he would do with the eyes of the world redirected...that makes no sense at all! where were the eyes of the world before those fascists in the pentagon started their saber-rattling?
unfortunately i don't have an answer other than not war. they actually had indications before that this war would be a nightmare [god dammit there was a report, this was on boingboing the other day, i'll try and find it] and, like with the 911 warnings, they brushed them aside and sent in the bombers to rain chaos and destruction on the iraqi people. clearly this is not the way to solve the problem.And yet, what better option was there?
That was 2 hours ago
Even typed, that doesn't seem to work when coming from a guy from New Jersey.
Isn't it the responsibility of the Iraqi people to get rid of Saddam if they have problems with him? Why is it because the U.S. likes to meddle in everyone else's business so much, that we now accept it as justified? Oppressive government calls for revolution, especially in a place such as Iraq where so many wrongs were allowed for so long. If the Iraqi people couldn't unite to overthrow Saddam (by any means, assassination, etc.), then they deserve his leadership. It's not the duty of some country on the other side of the world to save the day(even if it was never their intention), it is that of the citizens who live there.
If the people can't unite (probably because they don't want to, more than they can't) assassination is pretty simple option, especially with the backing of the world's greatest superpower.
You can't make the argument that we were "enforcing U.N. policy" when the UN was against our invasion. Kofi Annan has said the following about our invasion, "I have indicated that it was not in conformity with the UN charter from our point of view, and from the charter point of view it was illegal".It's not that we are meddling. We are over there enforcing U.N policy, have we all forgotten this?
The problem with your analogy is this; we are a sovereign nation and Iraq was a sovereign nation. We have no right to tell them what to do. I'm guessing that if the Chinese tried to tell us what to do we'd have a problem with that.It doesn't matter if you do or do not have a closet full of shotguns, a mattress full of dope, and a drawer full of Boystown weekly mags. Sorry Andrew, I didn't mean to use you as an example.
The U.S. has shown time and time again that it has little to no respect for the U.N. beyond using it as a tool to serve its own ends. Just like everyfuckingthing else! I can't believe people are dense enough to try to masquerade their nation as one with humanitarian motivations when they're clearly operating on an "oil > yuo!" basis.
Isn't this a bit like watching a friend who's in an abusive relationship and not going to help out when you're pretty sure you can get her out of it?
In the end, does anyone actually lose sleep over this?!?! Bombs dropping half a world away doesn't make me bat an eyelash. Self preservation and the pursuit of happiness are my only concerns. Stop pretending that your heart bleeds for the innocent civilians of a third world piss pot, when you really only care about what bar your going to get sloshed at tonight. - Allah
In the end, does anyone actually lose sleep over this?!?! Bombs dropping half a world away doesn't make me bat an eyelash. Self preservation and the pursuit of happiness are my only concerns. Stop pretending that your heart bleeds for the innocent civilians of a third world piss pot, when you really only care about what bar your going to get sloshed at tonight. - Allah
The Iraqi deathtoll isn't my first or only concern here. After all, leave them to develop their own civilization at their own pace and there will be war, injustice and death from within to keep the bodies piling up. My concern here is the overt lying, backdoor tactics of Western politicians, which is nothing new, for sure, but the scale of and motivations for this particular war are pretty mindboggling.
I mean, they may hate our culture, our lifestyle and our ways, but do we have to make ourselves so despicable that they're pretty much right anyways?
To be honest, I have to agree with you. Thing is, it's not about Iraqi's dying or living under Saddam, it's the fact that the US and British soldiers we sent in have all died in vain.
No... but is that our measuring stick? Do we allow our government to as they please, so long as we get a good eight hours sleep?In the end, does anyone actually lose sleep over this?!?!