Well said.I, for one, am glad there's a general feeling of goodwill from most of those wanting drastic changes.
When did China become an adversary of the U.S? They are one of the 5 nations in the U.N security council you foolish little twit. Yea lets bomb them so U.S companies will not find China a desirable nation to do business in. China has had nuclear capabilities since the mid sixties. Do some research before you start spouting off nonsense in an Asmodee like fashion, ye Canadian Nazi!![]()
^^ then, why don't we kick our own asses to find a new source of energy? We won't have the choice one way or another
Dont you just love the live-for-now and fuck the future attitude that is instilled in 99% of the population?
Doomcifer said:Actually, you know what it REALLY comes down to?? TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE!!!! We need to de-populate this planet. But, oh noes!, that means to put a restriction on reproduction, therefore taking away some so-called "human right."![]()
China=too many fucking people.
Little mexican teenage girls with pencil thin eye lashes spreading their legs quicker than a rumor. Hell why not? When you have a nice $400 check, and $300 booklet of foodstamps with your name on it. Get cut in on a little public housing, and you're all set. Disgusting.And there atleast trying to do something about it. Too bad the same can not be said about this pisshole.
I know what the fuck I'm talking about, Sir Bigot. I was merely replying to the "rape-room, torture chamber" aspect mentioned early.
edit: I'll take a dirty homeless welfare mooching my pals/spick/gook over you any day Mr. Acai.
*Thinks of all the hundreds of religious/poor (or both) white families he sees with 8 or more children*
Right. Now, why exactly did we go into Iraq? There were no goddamn weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was perfectly fine how it was (by Iraqi standards).
Yeah I guess mass genocide of your own people ( saddams) is perfectly normal. I can see how thats acceptable . The Democrats are just as fucked and wont do anything but say how we should love all the fags and pay more taxes. Either way we are fucked and basically the system just doesnt work either way. READ THAT AGAIN The system doesnt really work either way.
Reign in Acai said:Did I offend you Andy?
Reign in Acai said:I highly doubt that you are contributing to your share of the rent at Maren's place. How many months has it been? 3 , 4? No work to keep you occupied in Deutschland aye? Must be nice to have Daddy send you an allowance every month to keep you afloat.
Yeah I guess mass genocide of your own people ( saddams) is perfectly normal. I can see how thats acceptable . The Democrats are just as fucked and wont do anything but say how we should love all the fags and pay more taxes. Either way we are fucked and basically the system just doesnt work either way. READ THAT AGAIN The system doesnt really work either way.