goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

Youre not calling me an assmole are you, you fucking cali-mex-my pals!! :loco:

Oh yeah, fuck Israel too! Theyre just as bad, yet have our "elite" in a nuthug.

assmole was an attempt of insult in my direction, too bad I don't even know what it means!
Guys guys guys.... It's pointless to blame this on current administrations. All this shit started in the early 1900s with Britain, and then the US joined in the 50s. Long complicated story which I could explain if you really want, but I doubt it. We fell into a deep whole a long time ago and the only thing left to do is keep digging. Or just stop fighting all together, but then we'd have no oil.
^^ then, why don't we kick our own asses to find a new source of energy? We won't have the choice one way or another
Don't get me wrong, I oppose all of Americas policies in the middle east wholeheartedly, but I was just trying to be neutral. Come 100 years from now, there won't be any oil.
Don't get me wrong, I oppose all of Americas policies in the middle east wholeheartedly, but I was just trying to be neutral. Come 100 years from now, there won't be any oil.

I agree.

Dont you just love the live-for-now and fuck the future attitude that is instilled in 99% of the population?

Actually, you know what it REALLY comes down to?? TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE!!!! We need to de-populate this planet. But, oh noes!, that means to put a restriction on reproduction, therefore taking away some so-called "human right." :rolleyes:
@zack: shit, come 40 years from now there may not be any oil the way we're using it

@doomie: damn straight!

:kickass: :kickass:
The population growth over the past 100 years is astonishing. At this state, we will eventually exceed our carry capacity. One can make an argument, that we already have. FTW

Little mexican teenage girls with pencil thin eye lashes spreading their legs quicker than a rumor. Hell why not? When you have a nice $400 check, and $300 booklet of foodstamps with your name on it. Get cut in on a little public housing, and you're all set. Disgusting.

China=too many fucking people.

And there atleast trying to do something about it. Too bad the same can not be said about this pisshole.
you know, had the house stayed republican, he probably wouldn't have resigned.

so it's not the complete failure of iraq that led him to resign, but the disapproval of the voters.


Assuming he actually did resign and wasn't secretly fired now that the administration knows the writing is on the wall...I firmly believe that religion and oil lust are bigger causes of war and general unrest than overpopulation (definitely not an excuse to start indiscriminately bombing), but I agree that the earth wasn't meant to support this many idiots and the "who cares about the planet as long as I have my SUV" attitude will eventually fuck us all into oblivion.