goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

Assnodes, you're a complete fucking idiot. Be advised, that that statement is made not just for comments made in this thread, but for every thought that comes out of that fancy frenchy french cracked skull of yours.

I would say something like that if I ran out of valid points.
Right. Now, why exactly did we go into Iraq? There were no goddamn weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was perfectly fine how it was (by Iraqi standards).

I really don't want to get into this but...WHAT? "By Iraqi standards"? Which ones? The Kurds? The Shiites? I'm sure victims of rape rooms, chemical warfare, and systematic genocide were totally okay with keeping the status quo. You're right, perfectly fine.
true, but at least it wasn't one enormous terrorist training camp. did it suck then? you bet. is it worse now? well, uh...yeah.

and btw, the rape and wmd's didn't end with the fall of saddam ;)
I'm sure victims of rape rooms, chemical warfare, and systematic genocide were totally okay with keeping the status quo.

Well, if it's good enough for the folks in Darfur then why not? :tickled:

Again, regardless of republican vs democrat, or even pro-war vs anti-war, the clear fact is that Donald Rumsfeld screwed up the operation.

He is therefore a cock.

I rest my case.
Right. Now, why exactly did we go into Iraq? There were no goddamn weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was perfectly fine how it was (by Iraqi standards). If we wanted to wave our gigantic missles at someone, it could have been North Korea or Iran, since they had more nuclear technology than Iraq. I fully supported the war in Afghanistan, but the government went batshit and decided to start ANOTHER war instead of finishing the one that people actually believed in.
I really don't want to get into this but...WHAT? "By Iraqi standards"? Which ones? The Kurds? The Shiites? I'm sure victims of rape rooms, chemical warfare, and systematic genocide were totally okay with keeping the status quo. You're right, perfectly fine.

The problem with your answer Thanatopsis is why Iraq? Why not Darfur like JK mentioned? Why not North Korea? Why not finish the job in afghanistan(by leaving this half done they've fucked up that job too, killing Canadians and americans and everyone else)? Why not fucking China for fuck sakes? Why Iraq first? I'm not going to rant about who's better or who fucked up but I still think there has to be an ulterior motive here.... *cough* oil, daddy, oil, daddy *cough*

And I know we can't attack China because they are too big and theres not enough proof and can't get enough help and can't attack north korea because they have big brother china. Not my point here.

true, but at least it wasn't one enormous terrorist training camp. did it suck then? you bet. is it worse now? well, uh...yeah. and btw, the rape and wmd's didn't end with the fall of saddam ;)

The war in afghanistan was fully supported in most of the world. They WERE openly harboring terrorists and funding training camps. I oppose the Iraq war and question its motives, but I fully support and still do support afghanistan... I just wish the americans hadn't stirred up the hornet's nest in the Arab areas there and both pissed them off and spread themselves too thin. Shoulda finished the job in Afghanistan THEN gone after Iraq... Now we're losing* in Afghanistan too.

*being blown to bits and causing chaos in day-to-day civilian life and therefore losing there desire for us to be there and help them
When did China become an adversary of the U.S? They are one of the 5 nations in the U.N security council you foolish little twit. Yea lets bomb them so U.S companies will not find China a desirable nation to do business in. China has had nuclear capabilities since the mid sixties. Do some research before you start spouting off nonsense in an Asmodee like fashion, ye Canadian Nazi! :rolleyes:

I support an all out war against all those cow fearing aladdin states. Bomb them all, let Allah sort em out.
Seriously, RiA, I wonder why your parents didn't choke you with your umbilical cord when you were born. What a waste of oxygen you are.
Rummy the Dummy is a modern-day Judas in the way he left our military men and women out to dry on numerous accounts. Good riddance.

This next guy is probably another assclown.

Dem or doesn't matter. They are all liars, cheaters, and thieves only in it for their own personal gain and egocentric personas.

Oh, and there is NOTHING conservative about these modern day Republicans aka neo-cons.
Dem or doesn't matter. They are all liars, cheaters, and thieves only in it for their own personal gain and egocentric personas.


Assmole, what argument have you made in this thread? Other than, "RIA you're stupid", or "Arms are made for hugging"? Fucking die you intolerant twit, you're a waste of bandwidth.

Dude, I sometimes agree with you on things but this is foolish. If you are so gungho about it, why aren't you enlisting to go there yourself? Oh, that's right.

You're just mad at me because I didn't like Primer. I take the comment partially back. The nation state of Israel may be spared.

Assmole, what argument have you made in this thread? Other than, "RIA you're stupid"
I didn't have to make any argument to prove this, you're doing it yourself.

The only point I would make is that the 2 party system is a failure and is ruining your country and therefore, you guys are fucked.
I, for one, am glad there's a general feeling of goodwill from most of those wanting drastic changes. I can only hope that the unbearably polarizing partisanship and bickering that has been such a constant of late, declines to a level that allows for a higher degree of moderation and progress. I applaud the Democratic Party for a well run campaign and for supporting many candidates (such as my Senator Bill Nelson), who actually appear ready to work hard and listen to all viewpoints rather than simply throw jabs all the time.

I also truly hope President Bush changes his attitude and closed door administrative policy to do the same in return. Americans have sent him a clear mandate and he owes it to each and every one of us. Who knows, perhaps he can even salvage a little something in the next two years in the eyes of everyone that sees him as such a complete and miserable failure. The stepping down of Donald Rumsfeld was a nice start.
