Bodom composing...

I kind of put together a scale that i think cob uses. 2 solos ive learned and every other cob riff ive learned seems to be on it. I don't know what the scale is though. It would probably be a pain in the ass to figure out being tuned to D since any scale book is going to show you the scale with your guitar tuned to E. Sorry.
Originally posted by ~Rappion Lapsi~
Do you even play any instrument, or do you just have to say something to every topic?

So what if he just has to say something?! HUH!? HUH!?!??! :mad:
What's the fucking problem!?!?!? :mad::mad::mad:

Ok bodomite... i already made a statement in your defense. Now get back on your knees and finish your part of the deal...


LOL I apriciate it but I dont need people to defend me tut because I really dont give a shit what other think or say about me.
Originally posted by ~Rappion Lapsi~
Do you even play any instrument, or do you just have to say something to every topic?

:mad: :mad: shut up man! maybe he just feel like saying that at the whats does thae have to do with ya?
and at least he isnt a disagreeable fucker like u!
try not to be a mean mf next time man...that sucks...
I thought Rappion Lapsi was just joking...

after all I find bodomite's "single-word-wonder" posts very amusing.

so sorry if I offended you by laughing man...

then again, you don't give a fuck!
