Bodom - The Movie?!?

It just doesn't deserve my review. Like what, am I supposed to be amazed by old text graphic technology? Am I supposed to be scared by a goofy ax? Nah... lack of artistic vision.
I'm sorry if you were bullied at school or at work, but you should know projecting your insecurity onto others in adult life will eventually get you punched in the face hard. Of course this is why the phenomena called "internet haters" exists, because guys like you (and the rest who ruined this forum due to lack of moderators to ban them) only have the guts to act out on the internet. You should really get a hobby, maybe try some sports and art like I do. You should go to therapy or at least a martial art school to build some self-esteem.

Sad to see everything here petrified since the moderators left. Each time I post something about Children Of Bodom the trolls project their low self-esteem on me and that's how this forum has been for many years. I tried once more to contribute to Bodom-related topics, but you just won't stop... Didn't take long for me to realize once again what this place is like.

Just because you say "Joonas sucks" doesn't mean it's true. Take a deep look in the mirror? If not, keep fooling yourself until the end. Good luck with your life; I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I never started a personal argument, (unless something is out of place, and even then matters argue, not people.) This forum is not about Children Of Bodom anymore and I have no interest in "discussing" with you. It takes a lot of understanding and compassion from me to not get pissed off.


My opinions are sacrosanct.

Also Joonas is gay.
Okay, so the Bodom movie will be shot this Fall in Finland and some Baltic countries. Here's cast for main characters:

Mikael Gabriel, a rap artist, of all people. Well, he's got the "bodom looks" and I'm sure he'll be the one that survives and it's left unclear whether he was the killer or if it was some outsider. He looks suspicious enough with tattoos and all, but something in his eyes hints to the audience he might not be a killer. Naturally it has to be left mystery like the original case. Well maybe this acts as a bridge to lead some rap people into the realm of better music.


Mimosa Willamo. Looks like the cutie pie 'cheating bitch' type, to trigger jealousy.


Nelly Hirst-Gee. Looks like the 'macho princess' type, to trigger narcissistic anger. I'm already smelling blood.


Santeri Mäntylä. I suppose this role looks slightly poodle to make the other male look masculine in contrast. It's all about dynamics to make an interesting set of characters that play out different roles. He's the embodiment of the sentimentality missing from the other male.


I can already see this forming into a teenage soap opera, a tragic feast of jealousy that turns violent. Just acting out the supposed murder events again - yet the killer might still be alive as old man. According to the official site the girls are setting up the murder scene again, but the guys intend to actually perform the murders, or whatever... It's probably gonna be targeted to quite young audience, so we'll see... one can always hope for an epic flick, but it's down to the artists.

Wonder how much they'd have to pay Nils to star in the movie as the killer, lifting up his hood in the end to reveal his face? Would send some cold shivers. But I'm quite sure he wasn't the killer. The memory loss was real, and during those times there were murder incidents where the killer wore a victim's shoes. I've had similar memory loss after being battered by a gang.

An interesting hypothesis is if he sincerely doesn't remember whether he did it or not. ;) Maybe he washed blood off his fingers in the lake, and still doesn't have a fucking idea what happened.
The killer should be an old man, about 74, it's the only way to make this interesting and creepy. Those tinder bitches deserve it, with their constantly changing 'love' targets. Hope it's not just another teenage horror flick. Yes the lake is beautiful and the story is mysterious, but do they have anything interesting to give remains to be seen.
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Almost all the art of 2010's is bullshit. It's all just lame attempts to make cash with whatever iconic titles still have nostalgia value in it. Nothing new is brought to the table, and nothing sells anymore, that's why no-one bothers to even try make cool real art anymore. So sad. This goes for music, movies, books and videogames. And remakes of classics come with worthless graphic improvements but ruin the delicate artistic atmosphere with the careless changes.
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