When did you discover Bodom?

I first discovered this amazing band about 4-5 years ago, when I heard "Bed of Razors" on my computer.
Thanks to a crazy friend, who had wrote "Children of Bodom" and "Death" on each side of his right shoe.
It started when my boyfriend and I talked about the Finnish metal scene. I told him I like power metal then he dropped the Children of Bodom at me. The funny thing was he gave me a link to listen to that Oops, I Did It Again cover which made me really laugh. To be honest, I like the version of CoB more than Britney fucking Spears (omg, that sounds painful if taken literally LoL). Anyhoo, since it was like a "wtf is that?!" kind of song, I listened to their "serious" (cz Alexi is always drunk :D) stuffs and quickly fell in love with those. Every member of the band is skillful to their instruments. They are indeed masters.
Heard them on Chronix Radio some 4 years ago - Needled 24/7 - and thought omg wtf was that !! Who da hell are these guys !! Actually havent heard any other than Bodom since lol :kickass:
back in late 2004. my friends kept talking about this one band called children of bodom and then he gave me his ipod to give it a listen and i thought nothing of it, but when i went home and typed in kissing the shadows on youtube and that's the song that's had me hooked for the past 5 years.

Dude, how can you access youtube when it doesn't exist yet..

The creators offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005, six months before YouTube made its official debut.

Just one example of a lot of you who claim to be long time diehard fans.
Dude, how can you access youtube when it doesn't exist yet..

The creators offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005, six months before YouTube made its official debut.

Just one example of a lot of you who claim to be long time diehard fans.

Mabye he found a hacked version of youtube in offline mode downloadable by torrent :lol::lol:
it was in march of 2008 , i thought , i was searching in youtube for Angra live videos and i saw "hate me" and this song fucking BODOMIZED me :lol:
A friend of mine burnt a C.D with loads of random death metal on it. Hate Me was on it and it really stood out to me, I got him to get me the entire FTR album and I remember being stunned as if I'd found the perfect drug when I first listened. This was in 2002 sometime. Then I went to see them on the HCrolling over europre tour in 2003, best show ever <3
my friend at school started playing lake bodom through his mobile phone and thats how i found cob :)
Back when I was in the 10th grade [04]I bought Headbangers Ball, Vol. 2 they were on the 2nd disk, I heard the song and fell in love and bought Hate Crew Deathroll the next time I went out. Since then I haven't stopped being a fan, they been #1 in my book since.
A mate saw my collection of Cradle of Filth and said "You'll like Children of Bodom if you like these guys," so I checked them out and loved them ever since. CoF and CoB aren't very similar though imo.
My brother heard something that sound fucken good.. I asked what the hell it was and he said Children of Bodom. I was just like.. Give me your albums and let me hear that shit. And now it's my favorite band lol. Thanks to my brother :D
I downloaded - I mean, STOLE FROM THE INTERWEB (I was a bad person in those days) - a Nightwish song in which Tarja seemed very angry. It turns out that it wasn't Tarja or Nightwish at all, it was Children of Bodom. Then, I went to the store and bought Hatebreeder.
It was about three or four years ago. I came across the FTR cd in a music store, and liked the cover art. I figured that since I like metal, I might as well give these guys a shot. I've been hooked ever since :D