Bodom/Trivium/Amon Amarth 2night

Jan 4, 2004
Sweetness, can't wait for the show at the masquerade tonight. Then we (Lilitu) are playing with trivium 2moro night in NC. Hoping to score some Bodom and Amon Amarth swag as well.
May the rage of a thousand gods pour through your body tonight to give you power to thrash your victims into mosh pit corpses.

And FUCK YOU for getting to play with Trivium! :yell: I tried to get my band on the bill here at Harpo's but they're fuckin douchebags. NONE of the local opening bands were worth a bucket of diarhrea.
It was an excellent show indeed, and I saw a few familiar faces there from here. :)

Funniest sight all night was before doors-open. I'd been told the show had sold about 300 advance tickets, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but Steve, the club manager, walking outside, seeing the VERY sizeable line for walkup ticket sales, and then hastily going back inside again -- probably to yell "Okay, lose those tables and chairs upstairs, we got too many people coming!"

Final ticket count: 801. Not a sellout, but quite respectable.

I'll have a few (not that great) pics posted shortly.

Oh, the Masquerade should be announcing the Sonata Arctica show next week, finally. The date I heard for it conflicts with the information on PollStar, though. :(
Just saw this show last night. Amazing show. Was great to FINALLY see Amon Amarth. That was 5 years in the making, and about an hour too short, HAHA!

Bodom ruled, of course; Great to see them finally headline. 16 song set - 6 from Hate Crew, 4 from AYDY, 4, from Follow and 2 from Hatebreeder. Didn't touch Something Wild, but, meh can't win em all. Hope you all enjoyed your show(s) and hope the Lilitu show went good as well! I haven't seen you guys since August, with LOA in VA. Cheers, all!
Excellent (but extremely short) set from Amon Amarth.
Trivium = meh for me
Same for COB too I guess...

But the Chinese Buddha treated us right after the show.