Bogner XTC 101B


Dec 29, 2005
Anyone try one of these babies? I hear only great things but can't try one since there aren't any in my area of the East Coast. I'm pretty sure you can achieve a multitude of tones, especially searing mid-high metal tones. This amp is definitely a top choice for my first tube amp! If anyone could enlighten me on the difference between the 101A and 101B head please let me know so it can help me in the decision process
Considering you're posting this on Sneap's forum, I assume you're looking for metal tones. I've never played the Bogners, but I'm pretty sure the Uberschall would be a better choice for heavy stuff since it's designed for it.

Who knows might be nice for heavy stuff. If you're going to be dropping $3k+ for an amp head, you'd be smart to try it first even if it means a drive.
Actually I'm looking for a very wide variety of tones...great clean, crunch, and metal tones and this amp seems like it could do the job as opposed to the one trick pony the uberschall is. I'll defeinitely be driving somewhere to try one. I've also been looking at the Laney amps. I don't know the differences tonewise between the VH100R and TT100H since they're both 3 channel amps, but I hear the GH100L is great for straight clean and overdriven passages.
I played some type of bogner XTC in atlanta. knobs all over the place, front and back. seemed to be able to do about everything you'd ever want. it's probably not the best "starter" tube amp - that's like saying a ferrari is a nice first car.
The Ecstasy is plenty capable of modern metal tones on the red channel. There's this idea floating around on the internet that the Ecstasy is somehow not suitable for modern metal; that's silly. There's more than enough gain on tap. Hell, I've gotten great metal tones out of the Shiva, which has less gain and a more "vintage" voicing than the Ecstasy.

The voicing isn't for everyone, I'll say that. It's fairly dark, with very thick mids. It's not Engl Powerball or VHT UL tight, either... but neither is an un-boosted Recto or a stock JCM 800. Unless you're Fear Factory or Meshuggah and need the absolute driest, tightest tone on the planet, it'll be fine. It's thick, warm, saturated gain. Some find the Ecstasy too smooth, but that's nothing treble/presence/EQ/boosting can't take care of.

The cleans are good, better than most. The mid-gain tones, if you need 'em, are phenominal. If you like dark, thick gain, the Ecstasy will get you there.

I love 'em, every time I've played one. Megadeth7684, if he still posts here, had an Ecstasy Classic for a while. If I recall correctly, he said it's the best amp he'd ever played, and that it would do Arch Enemy, etc. with ease.

As far as the difference between the models, the 101A is 6L6 and fairly rare. The 101B is the most common model; it's EL34. The Ecstasy Classic has a brighter, more open voicing compared to the darker, more compressed tones from the 101B. I've only played 101Bs, so take that for what it's worth. I've seen 101Bs go for as little as $1800 USD used; usually they're more in the $2-2.5k range. They're expensive bastards.
So can the 101B not be re-biased to accept 6l6s? I'd imagine that can't be the only difference as some people on harmony central claim it's waay warmer than the 101B, but I could be wrong. Hopefully I can find a used one since they'd be right in my target price range. Does anyone here have any experience with the XTC Classic head as well? I've heard rave reviews about it but I was wondering if it will have enough gain to handle some metal tones. Anyone have any comments on the Laney's I initially posted about?
I got a chance to go into a cool guitar shop in San Francisco that had the XTC, UBER and also the VHT Pitbull.

The Pitbull was a much better sounding Metal amp than either Bogners.

But even the Pitbull lacked gain for good lead tone and would need a pedal.

Very thick and tight rythm sound though.

Regardless, I think there are much better sounding heads for less money.

I would Recommend an Engl Powerball, Savage 120 or Framus Cobra before I went with a Bogner XTC.

And if volume isnt a concern, the 5150 or 6505's are still no fail.

You can generally find good deals on Ebay or places like's forum for those.
I just found a place nearby that has a Powerball head in stock, sweet! I can finally try one of these babies out to see if it's the one. I've heard it has some drawbacks, but $2k for a 4 channel amp is a huge bargain
But even the Pitbull lacked gain for good lead tone and would need a pedal.

It's threads like these that make me realize just how subjective of a thing tone is. To me, gain = compression, compression =/= dynamics, and dynamics = expressive lead tone. I'll use less gain for leads than I will for heavy rhythms if I have the choice.

My main amp is a Mesa Stiletto with the red channel's gain at 2:00 with a slight boost from an SD-1 out front, more to tighten the bass than anything. I had the gain up to 3:00 with my old industrial death metal band. I bought it from a guy who didn't think it had enough gain when it was maxed out and boosted. To me, the idea that VHT anything doesn't have enough gain seems ridiculous... but then again, Opeth and Tool have enough gain for my taste.

The way I figure it, I like lower gain tones than most for metal. If it has significantly more gain than I'd use, it's probably enough for most metal tones. But I used to play with a guy who maxed the gain on red/modern on his Triple Rec; he wasn't a noob, either, he was a badass shredder. I know there are people who boost their Rectos with Metalzones. Tone and gain are very subjective things.
It's threads like these that make me realize just how subjective of a thing tone is. To me, gain = compression, compression =/= dynamics, and dynamics = expressive lead tone. I'll use less gain for leads than I will for heavy rhythms if I have the choice.

My main amp is a Mesa Stiletto with the red channel's gain at 2:00 with a slight boost from an SD-1 out front, more to tighten the bass than anything. I had the gain up to 3:00 with my old industrial death metal band. I bought it from a guy who didn't think it had enough gain when it was maxed out and boosted. To me, the idea that VHT anything doesn't have enough gain seems ridiculous... but then again, Opeth and Tool have enough gain for my taste.

The way I figure it, I like lower gain tones than most for metal. If it has significantly more gain than I'd use, it's probably enough for most metal tones. But I used to play with a guy who maxed the gain on red/modern on his Triple Rec; he wasn't a noob, either, he was a badass shredder. I know there are people who boost their Rectos with Metalzones. Tone and gain are very subjective things.

I hear you on the whole gain thing.

I guess I need to take in consideration that when I test an amp I am testing it for rhythm and lead capabilities and probably need to realize that most professional lead players out there use other pedals or effects with their amps and I probably expect too much of the amp by itself.

But for example, on its own, a 5150 can pull out some sweet liquid sounding legato riffs where as a VHT Pittbull seemed like its empty and requires tons of finger strength to pull anything out without a distortion or overdrive pedal added to it. It just didn't sing.

I always find myself comparing every amp to the 5150.

I probably need to buy one again so I can be at peace.
Yes, tone is extremely subjective and you do have to try things for yourself, but I also like taking the opinions of other people to factor in nuances of amps and such. I will be trying out a Powerball soon but I was wondering if anyone has had the chance to play an Invader 150 and if so how do they sound compared to th rest of the ENGL line?
if you want metal straight out of the box go engl. Try a fireball vs a powerball like I did because I hated the powerball. Sounded like shit to me compared to the fireball at the time.

If you want a really good amp for all styles get a Laney.

note: Engls gets pretty heavy at low volumes. Great home/studio amp.
Laney gets super saturated at high volumes. Amazing live amp.

VH100r vs TT100 range: get the VH... gain and tone wise. TT has midi though...

VH vs GH series: same distortion channel. GH series only have 1 channel with footswitchable gain. it allows you to go from clean to crunch or from crunch to hi gain. Same EQ and Volume control remember!
VH100r has 2 independante channels each with a drive boost = 4 channels + 2 reverbs.

My advice is: if you need clean+dist ready available get the VH. If you only need a dirty channel get the GH and save some bucks to buy new tubes.

make sure you get one biased for 6L6/5881 tubes.

great fucking amps IMO

take care:Smokin: