Bonus Material at the end of Opeth cds


Jan 29, 2004
Bergen County, N.J.
I'm sure this has been said before but I just wanted to reitterate how annoying I find it when one of the most beautiful endings to a perfect cd...(Morningrise) is completely ruined by Eternal Soul Torture or whatever that song is, I wish they had taken all their demo recordings and released them on one cd instead of putting them on their other albums. The same goes for Orchid, and thank the lord I had MAYH before they put a bonus track on that, I would kill someone if it didn't end with Epilogue.
Yeah, I agree. Whilst I like to hear the old demo tracks, as they sort of give you an idea of how the band's sound develops, they certainly have no place on one of their full-length albums. Ruins the flow entirely (or lack thereof in Orchid and Morningrise's case).
Agreed. I will repeat what I have said in the thread about a new label: Opeth need to re-release the three first albums WITHOUT the bonus tracks, once they are out of print.
You can't even tell what Opeth "sounded like back then" with "Into the Frost of Winter." Rose Immortal described that one the best: The sound quality is atrocious and the music quality...well, you can't really tell for sure because the sound quality is so bad it sounds like a bunch of banging coming out of a tin can or something.

"Eternal Soul Torture", on the other hand, is ok. Not worth ruining the ending though.

The covers on My Arms Your Hearse are nice, but again... not worth ruining the ending. It's annoying... everytime I hear an mp3 of "Epilogue", I think it's odd not hearing the piano intro to "Circle of the Tyrant"!
The point is it ruins the beauty and perfection fo the cd, when I listen to a fucking cd I don't want to be anticipating the exact moment i need to hit the stop button, I like to be absorbed by the music and not worry about any bonus material, there is no reason that those albums had to be re-released with the bonus songs, they should have put them all onto one cd.
That's entirely dependant on what hardware/software you are using to listen to the music. And even then, if you are using certain hardward, it's annoying to basically make up a program/setlist EVERTIME you listen to the CD. It's irritating, but none of us here are wetting out prospects in anticipation of the next time we listen to one of the CD's, so stop whinging at the 'whingers'. For the record I stop the CD when it gets to the annoying parts or omit the songs in a playlist and put the B-Sides in a seperate folder, though Still Day and Patterns II can be worked into a few of the CD quite easily.
It would be really annoying to have to uncatatone (heh, is that a word?) yourself, just so you could hit stop. Screw that. I think they need to re-release also, or just put all the bonus tracks on one disc. It'd make more sense..
Well I guess it all depends on which label picks them up and if that label is the type to listen to public demand.... won't be holding my breath though.
i enjoy having the extra songs. and i dont see the point complaining about them being there. its quite easy to simply press stop on whatever player you are using.
there is a button on most cd players that usually has a little square on it...sometimes it actually says stop...see, what you do, is you raise your finger and press this button at the end of the album. this will stop the cd player from continuing on to the next track. its a cool concept. its actually the opposite of play. i invented it in my previous life.
I think Opeth should release some of their old demos on a cd.... that would be pretty neat to hear where they developed from, and maybe they can put some old unreleased live material on it to.... and then Steve Wilson can pick the order of the tracks so everyone can complain about something extra that has little to no relavence in their lives.....kinda like complaining about extra tracks at the end of a cd.......
ethereallights said:
I think Opeth should release some of their old demos on a cd.... that would be pretty neat to hear where they developed from, and maybe they can put some old unreleased live material on it to.... and then Steve Wilson can pick the order of the tracks so everyone can complain about something extra that has little to no relavence in their lives.....kinda like complaining about extra tracks at the end of a cd.......
you can download a lot of this stuff on soulseek. but, its terrible quality.
For those who suggest we merely press 'stop' at the end of Epilogue obviously don't know what it is like to sink down into an album and be unable to move for five minutes afterwards due to the beauty of it.

Press stop? I'm too busy trying to breathe...
requiem said:
For those who suggest we merely press 'stop' at the end of Epilogue obviously don't know what it is like to sink down into an album and be unable to move for five minutes afterwards due to the beauty of it.

Press stop? I'm too busy trying to breathe...

i weep for the future.