Bonus stuff on Cds


Kickbox kickboxing banana
Jun 16, 2005
Do you care for the bonus stuff on cds?:err:
If I start listening to an album I have to hear the whole thing, but I don’t bother with the bonus tracks unless they are different.
Demo’s of songs from the album, or remixes just piss me off, and most cover songs don’t add anything to the album. I think cover songs need to have the bands own twist put on it to be worth playing.

Examples of this are Death’s cover of “Painkiller” :headbang: changed solos and that mighty Evil Chuck scream at the start that isn’t on the original.
On At Deaths Door II (death metal compilation album) Malevolent Creation do a cover of Slayers: Piece by Piece and make it cool by adding a blast :kickass:
On Thyrfing’s Urkraft album they do a tranquil cover of “Over the Hills and Far Away” by Gary Moore.

Atheist extras are unnecessary to me, but I do prefer the intro on the demo version of “No Truth”

Some extra live songs are ok like on At The Gates: Terminal Spirit Disease.

Cynics extra stuff is appalling compared to the albums material.

Helloweens ‘video edit’ version of Halloween is put together so badly… all you can do is laugh and then listen to the awesome original.

So do you care for extras, and what do you like and despise?
I like extras, given that they are, well, "extra". I dig free stuff.

The current trend for bonus dvd's or flipper dvd's are a nice trend. The bonus dvd with The Crown (live in Karhlrue (sp?) ) was top hole.

Best ever extra, i.m.o. has to be the bonus live album with the deluxe version of Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory, however. Excellent stuf.
I also normally like extras on albums and DVDs, more often than they are good and add to the overall purchase. Sometimes they do suck...Opeths re-issue of Orchid and Morningrise each had a shitty ass demo/garage like recording of some dodgey songs which sucked
Danallica said:
I also normally like extras on albums and DVDs, more often than they are good and add to the overall purchase. Sometimes they do suck...Opeths re-issue of Orchid and Morningrise each had a shitty ass demo/garage like recording of some dodgey songs which sucked
eternal soul torture > anything opeth has released in the last 7 years or so

look ma, i'm starting another opeth flamewar
their presence doesnt really bother me but i dont tend to listen to them, and if i do its usually not right after the album because i feel it dilutes the intended message of the work (lol im a faG)
I just hate when you have an entire catalog by a band (and God forbid it's a big one) and then they whip out the dreaded re-masters with bonus tracks to entice you. It ploys the consumer into having to buy the entire catalog all over again. 9 times out of 10 I'm not overly impressed.

I think most bands should take the Maiden route and keep the album as is (If it's a re-master) and make a boxset with nothing but bonus material,extra shit, demo's...whatever.

Buy it all in one swoop if the fans are interested in your throwaway material. Don't make me shell out 16 bucks for one or two bonus cuts. I have over 2,000 cd's as well and don't have time for back peddling. Just my opinion.

There are some artists who make it worth it but I say go the boxset route and respect your fans.

(the re-masters you end up buying has the possibility of going a third time over as well with that one extra song...maybe a track with 40 second's of guitar solo take # 14)..:lol:
maybe they want the fans to hear the material but dont think its really good enough to merit its own release

i seriously doubt enough people re-buy albums with bonus tracks in order to make that a worthwhile consideration

putting them up for download would be the best way to do it
Also hidden tracks are just stupid in my oppinion, i mean you are not amazed or challenged by there being hidden tracks on the cd, "wow man i found the hidden tracks i'm the best, no one will know this secret only me"

Morbid Angel: Heretic is a good example.
Drumcheck is a good addition as a bonus track with the album, but the hidden shit is amongst 40 something tracks containing 3 secs of silence... i just don't see what the advantage of doing this is.
Yeah, hidden tracks were cool when you were 15 in high school. They aren't really anymore. Though I would always manage to forget there was a hidden track, and think the cd was over and go on with what I was doing (usually painting). Then when it would come on it'd scare the shit out of me.

And bonus tracks being good or not all depend on the specific track.
I recently bought The Red Chord - Fused Together In Revolving Doors, and I'm quite happy with the extras that were put on it.

Two demo tracks, Jar Full Of Bunny Parts being one of the titles :kickass:, a music video for one of their songs, and a full live set.

If you can make the extras as awesome as that, go a head and give me some.
If it's an extra dvd or if there's stuff for the computer on the cd, I'm all for it. The majority of the extra tracks I've run into have ruined the feel or continuity of the cd.
Well, unless you're a fucking dullard, you can always stop the album before the bonus material comes on.

I honestly don't see why people are being so precious about it!
ender7227 said:
Nice sig, Nemesis
Bonus stuff is overrated. Bonus DVD's are cool but flippers are a bitch to keep from getting scratched. There's a certain beauty to listening to an album all the way through and bonus tracks distract from that, IMO.
Thenx ! :headbang:
A friend sent me the artwork an I couldn’t resist bashing on slipknot :lol:

I find some people stupid when they get an album they already have,coz the remaster has bonus material.
That is just a waste of money,since I am so broke at the moment that I cant even afford a single record.
Putting shitty sounding demo songs and rehearsals at the end of a cd is stupid.

It's like listening to volume drops in and out, and cymbals.
Normally I don't like the extra demos and stuff, but I have to say that the ones on Atheist - Unquestionable Presence own. The drum and bass track is really cool, and you get to hear Roger Patterson's tracks as well. The demos are a bit different as well, so you can hear how they changed things up. Overall that was an outstanding re-release.

The bonus on Opeth's Blackwater Park is great too. The Harvest video is not that shitty for a metal video, and the acoustic tracks are very nice, especially Patterns in the Ivy II.

The bonus original track on Altars of Madness is pretty good. The version I have also has three remixed tracks, but they don't sound any different to me. Those are the throwaways that bother me.