Book to Movie?


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
What book(s) would you most like to see made into (a) movie(s)?

I'd love to see someone make one or more of Michael Moorcock's series into movies..Elric on the big screen, yeah buddy!
Any of the Discworld series, as long as it was done as well as LOTR has been done. Rincewind on the big screen... :D
Peter Jackson could continue with Tolkien's works, making The Hobbit and The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ;)

I want to see Tom Bombadil on the big screen dammit :mad:
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
What he said.
Him too. :D

I very rarely read novels, I usually read philosophy, and I really don't think anyone would want to see a movie on the stuff I read. :lol:
The Bane of Stormbringer - lol. Those would be some interesting movies... It wouldn't be rated PG, that's for sure... at least if it was done right.

Harry Harrison's Deathworld Trilogy would be interesting...

The Foundation Trilogy

Dragonlance Chronicles

Deed of Paksenarrion Trilogy and the two Legacy of Gird books(there's no fucking way it'd be as good as the books, but it's worth a try)

Xanth :D

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy trilogy (yes, even the fifth's gotta be complete) and the two Dirk Gently books(Please, better than the mini series)

Black Star Rising

Iron Dragons for the pedos :D
Another one whose books I'd love to see on film is Clive Cussler..that man writes some kickass books! Dirk Pitt on the big screen, now that'd be awesome. :)
lords of chaos, just about the norway shit.

beowulf movie that follows the book a little bit

frankenstein movie that follows the book a little bit
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Another one whose books I'd love to see on film is Clive Cussler..that man writes some kickass books! Dirk Pitt on the big screen, now that'd be awesome. :)

You are in luck, Sahara is soon to be a motion picture. I just can't think of any actors to play the role.

Originally posted by Pedro
You are in luck, Sahara is soon to be a motion picture. I just can't think of any actors to play the role.



I'm with you, though..who the hell would ya cast as Dirk & Al??? Hmmmm...
Originally posted by Pancakes
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy trilogy (yes, even the fifth's gotta be complete)
I take it you didn't really like the BBC series?
I've never seen (or heard) them myself, but I've been looking everywhere, and the moment I can get my hand on some money, I'm buying them.

And I guess I'd like Sandman and Death's comics to finally make it to the big screen (or the little one).

And The Dark Tower series.
Time Machine is by H.G.Wells not Jules Verne.

I would like to see... hmm... maybe Dark Tower if it would be done properly (read: several long movies, good actors, good director, big budget). And Neuromancer would be cool as well.