

Naturmistikk & Folktale
Jul 18, 2003
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Could anyone tell me what images are in the booklets of your copy of "Kveldssanger" and "Bergtatt"? A guy told me that there aren't only the pics of the member of the band but also other picture, I think he's wrong
In my booklets there are one pic of each member and some art in the background of the lyrics on Bergtatt (mostly mountains and trees). That's about it.
Both of them have liner notes, describing the story behind the concept of the albums (both in english and norwegian).

What other pictures would there be?
  • Inside, there's 3 pictures of bandmembers, left page Haavard, middle page Garm and on the right page is Aiwarikiar.
  • Outside, on left page there's a painting from the forest, trees on it. Middle page has a pentagram on the background and norvegian text by Garm (no English). The right page is the cover, painting with Ulver-logo and nothing else.
  • The booklet is different than in Kveldssanger. There's always a bandmember on left page and some picture with lyrics on the right side. Back of the booklet has a pentagram on the background and norvegian text by Garm.
Ulverytteren said:
Yes, you're right. It was only in norwegian. my mistake
Ok. I though you might have some other version, since I think at least Nattens Madrigal have been released also with English texts as Madrigal Of The Night. Anyone with better information can correct me.

Damn, I'm obsessed with the Ulver Trilogy :worship:
Thanx It was great help, I was wondering the same about Storm and Satyricon first albums, if you have them can tell me the same infos
