strange booklets, discs whatever

und so weiter?german band?
anyway i was sarcastic about that man.
but i do like this album,esp politik if you know.

and radiohead lyrics are too superb to be judged by my humble,i meant opinion.
first time i heard coldplay that was the song 'dont panic' which i really love. so i was dead enthousiastic and heard 'parachutes' which happened to be crap except 3 songs. then i lent an ear to the new one and same thing, 3 good songs and shit album. and that chris martin, what a poser.
the_good_son141 said:
like the early zeppelin records,ie?(squeeeze the lemon)
or the beatles sometimes.big bands have shit lyrics i tell you.

but led zepplin didnt write all them lyrics, they were blues standards
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
first time i heard coldplay that was the song 'dont panic' which i really love. so i was dead enthousiastic and heard 'parachutes' which happened to be crap except 3 songs. then i lent an ear to the new one and same thing, 3 good songs and shit album. and that chris martin, what a poser.

agreed.they seem to produce great songs and real bad ones simultaneously,but i give them a chance anytime,martin has fooled me once again.
There was an edition of Radiohead's Kid A, which looked just like the normal verison, but if you opened up the jewelcase under the black base there was a second hidden booklet...

As for Tool, the limited edition of Aenima kicks ass! It's got three or four pictures in the booklet whick if you put them on the cover you can see them moving! Same goes for the base under the cd which shows USA, and when you twist a bit the cd it shows California going under the sea!!!

Take care...
Never said it was limited edition. Just said that it was a another edition. And no, not all Kid A cds are in that edition. I had to find out for myself when I bought it and then a friend of mine told me about the second booklet. I went back to the record shop, returned the cd and got the other edition.
anyways, i bought me copy from london about a year ago and it had that secret booklet. limited or not, i dunno.