Yes I liked it a lot, but I find it so hard to write anything worthwhile about a book like that: It's so big and contains so much, so many minutely drawn characters, heaps of intrigue, complicated relations, philosophy etc -- it's pretty overwhelming, just like life itself I guess -- and perhaps that's why it's so good.
Anyway, I liked it more than Devils (or whatever it's called in english) which still was good, but I found that it centered a bit too much on ideas and the presentation and discussion of these through the different characters, which therefore turned out flatter than what is usually the case with Dostojevskij.
I plan on reading Brothers Karamazov pretty soon, as well as re-reading Crime and Punishment, which I read some years back when I was a bit too young to really get it all. I remember liking it however, especially the first one hundred pages or so