
With all due respect, the reco lists here read like that of a high school kid trying to "find himself". Vonnegut? Adams? Pynchon? Rushdie? Come on, guys.

Started re-reading In Stahlgewittern yesterday, Ernst Jünger's mastful tale of the life in the trenches of the first world war. I've only read it in english before and I can't recommend it enough

And here's the man himself, in all his aristocratic awesomeness, some seventy years after the events described in the book:

I'm reading Part 2 of Hunter S. Thompsons letters series, "Fear and Loathing in America: The brutal odyssey of an outlaw journalist".

Even the mans personal letters can keep me entranced.
Read "Into the Wild" over the past two days, and admittedly enjoyed it more than I expected. Next up is "Let my People Go Surfing," an autobiography of the founder and owner of Patagonia.

fuckin great story, he weaves a lot into it although his writing style is pretty straightforward....i feel like i could have read this at age 13 and loved it, i only took 5 or 6 days with it but it was a blast for being such a quick read. the ending was a little abrupt but his so-cal-ized version of the future is hilariously familiar enough for me to walk away with a pretty glowing impression...
Just read a nice little collection of essays about books and libraries called [ame=""]The Library at Night[/ame] -- full of love for books and things written. Recommended
In an attempt to better appreicate my alcoholism I've just finished reading this book


After reading this book my instincts tell me that I need to drink yet even more than I do already.
but seriously, it's a pretty good book if you're into that sort of thing. The dude's a researcher that has put a substantial amount of work into the archaeology of alcoholic beverages in Ancient Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and Egypt. Easy enough for the casual reader to figure out what's going on, but has that academic backing behind it.

My only complaint is that he doesn't have footnotes or endnotes, and that's unforgivable.