
Gonna read The Terror by Dan Simmons after an old university friend of mine (a literature major and comic book freak, nonetheless!) boldly pronounced that Simmons was nothing less than the best author alive. The validity of his claim remains to be verified, as I'm a faggot who never even bothered to read Hyperion or whatever it was called.

For the those who are unaware as to the nature of The Terror:


It does appear terribly exciting.
Reading this, it's a gold mine... :)


just read the brief wondrous life of oscar wao by junot diaz...fucking incredible book. this author has style for fucking DAYS. in brief it's a tragic history (fictional) of a "cursed" dominican family and their lives in the DR and new jersey, focusing largely on the fat nerdy virgin son oscar but also on his rebellious older sister and their mother's younger days living under the trujillo dictatorship.

this shit is sublimely postmodern; diaz throws in awesome nerd references (shout-outs to tolkein, watchmen, fantastic four, dungeons and dragons, old-school sci-fi lit etc), plenty of humorous and/or historical asides, and a healthy dose of spanglish for good measure. there are so many awesome little nuggets that he throws in that make me grin like a smug asshole for getting the reference. it's in equal turns comedic, shocking, and tragic. diaz is a fucking badass.

adrian go pick this up immediately dude.

edit: just discovered this won the fucking pulitzer prize for fiction this year. READ THIS BOOK.
unfortunately i stopped reading when i returned to school, to concentrate on reading my studies. i admit the philosophy book was very enlightening, but i cant say the same for the accounting books.

i was reading HG Wells' The Sleeper Awakes, with about 100 pages left to go. i need to finish it, to see how Graham saves humanity.
i was reading HG Wells' The Sleeper Awakes, with about 100 pages left to go. i need to finish it, to see how Graham saves humanity.

Awesome, I picked up a book that contains both The Time Machine & War of the Worlds.

Just finished reading the last book in the Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy

Fuckin aye! They need to make this into an animated series or movie!
Just got started on "The Razor's Edge" by Maughm. "Angels" by Denis Johnson (depressing), "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote (10/10), "Hells Angels" by H.S. Thompson (a bit of a letdown), "Light In August" by Faulkner (whisky-soaked) I read in the last month.
I'm trying to get myself back into reading again, but all I can seem to do is pick up the books I've already read

like yesterday, re-read a bunch of Calvino's Invisible Cities, which rules every time
picked up from the library:

a distant mirror: the calamitous 14th century, borges "the aleph" and other stories, cortazar "blow up" and other stories, the essential foucault and a collection of 4 philip k dick novels...i have 3 weeks to get through these :goggly: