I to am an avid reader - I read a ton, perhaps too much, because when I'm really into a book, it's hard to pull me away from it. Anyway, I've read stuff from every genre (some of which I was forced to read...I have a bachelor's in English literature) and I thought I'd list a few of the REALLY good novels, series and short stories that I've read. I must first qualify this by saying that I prefer fiction and historical fiction to other genres:
That said:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. A story from another time with ramifications for today. Best transition to film of ANY book(s) I've read.
Tolkien - I needn't say more.
A Song Of Ice and Fire (series) by George R.R. Martin. "A Game of Thrones" is book 1. Fantastic writing and he's not afraid to whack a main character!
Vampire of the Mists - Christie Golden. I never really got into "horror" books BUT I could not put this one down. Crosses fantasy like Tolkien with the Horror of Anne Rice.
Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson; This is the first installment in an ongoing storyline. Great writing and a profound depth of vocabulary - have a dictionary close to hand!
The Guilded Chain by Dave Duncan - part of The King's Blades series. The entire series is quite good. You won't be bored.
I, Strahd: The Memoirs of a Vampire by P.N. Elrod Awesome!
The Dark Elf Trilogy (series) by R.A. Salvatore One of the best series I've ever read. Start with "Homeland". Simply incredible.
Without Remorse by Tom Clancy Introduces the character of "Mr. Smith", a real bad-ass.
The Short Happy Life of Francis McComber - E. Hemingway A short story that has stuck in my mind since I first read it. Wow concept.
The Chronicles of Amber (series) by Roger Zelazny Suggested by a friend, excellent and new in concept. Very cool!
The Adept Series (series) by Piers Anthony Some of the best SciFi-Fantasy written.
The Vampire Lestat -Anne Rice Great story that is later referred to in "Interview with the Vampire".
The Belgariad (series) by David Eddings Starts with "Pawn of Prophecy" I've read 25 of Eddings books. This series is the best.
God's Demon by Wayne Barlowe A very recent read for me. A VERY unique concept and great character development. This one should be a movie!
And ANYTHING - aside from the sonnets - by William Shakespeare (yes, really). Universal, timeless and memorable characters.
I've read thousands upon thousands of books, and I've read alot af absolute crap. The above list stands out as excellent stuff.
You see many titles with "vampire" in the above list, but be advised that I RARELY read horror books, these are either great hybrids or they're just damned good!
I'm currently reading Steven Erikson's "Toll the Hounds", which is my 8th or 9th Erikson novel. So far, so good.
In addition to co-writing the music, I am the lyricist in HEDDA. Reading certainly gives me ideas about ideas, one builds upon the next. Reading definitely played a huge part in my writing the story conveyed in our concept album, "The Storm".
Check these books out and feel free to PM me with any questions.
P.S. Check out the HEDDA stuff! Links are in my signature.
Jamie Mac