
Isn't there a giant volume with all seven books together? I'm going back to Pittsburgh in a few weeks and there is a used book store that has a lot stuff. I'll pick up the first two or said huge ass volume, if they have it.
The books i am reading right now:

The Catcher in the Rye. (Amazing book, Holden is so funny and has a crazy worldview)

Mere Christianity. (Solid book, great writer, cant beat CS Lewis, some good logic in the book)

Eragon. (Just some fun light reading. I really like the book though)

Anyone else read any of the books i mentioned?

Yeah, I read and thoroughly enjoyed The Catcher in the Rye. That and Fahrenheit 451 where the only required high school reading that I liked. The odyssey was pretty cool too, but I didn't read very much of it.

Also, Dan I'm assuming that was you who sent me the friend request on sevenstring forums? I was looking for info on RG-7s and I came across that site and realized I use to post there all of the time.:lol: I stopped posting when it got really big and busy.
Isn't there a giant volume with all seven books together? I'm going back to Pittsburgh in a few weeks and there is a used book store that has a lot stuff. I'll pick up the first two or said huge ass volume, if they have it.

You can usually get it in a box-set of the seven books, that would probably be the easiest way...

Also, Dan I'm assuming that was you who sent me the friend request on sevenstring forums? I was looking for info on RG-7s and I came across that site and realized I use to post there all of the time.:lol: I stopped posting when it got really big and busy.

haha, was that you? I just saw 'MacAlpine' and the Uncle Moe's avatar, and Planet X- Moonbabies, and thought "I gotta be friends with this guy... " :lol:
Yeah, I read and thoroughly enjoyed The Catcher in the Rye. That and Fahrenheit 451 where the only required high school reading that I liked. The odyssey was pretty cool too, but I didn't read very much of it.

Also, Dan I'm assuming that was you who sent me the friend request on sevenstring forums? I was looking for info on RG-7s and I came across that site and realized I use to post there all of the time.:lol: I stopped posting when it got really big and busy.

Yeah, i had to read the Odyssey, and the Illiad in school.

Those were some cool books.

I read Catcher In The Rye and Mere Christianity back in the day.
The second I liked, Catcher In The Rye pissed me off. I've heard told that it's meant for a certain kind of audience, and if you aren't that kind of person, you'll hate it. Guess that's why I hated it. I just kept wanting to beat Holden, via the book, senseless for his apparent stupidity and general depressive emoness.

I'm now reading The Crystal Memory, a classic I picked up for a dollar.
I was going to start a new "Now reading/Books" thread, but remembered this one still existed.

Anyone read anything interesting?

I am going through a huge sci fi kick and read a shit load of books this summer.

Peter F. Hamilton - Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained
Peter Watts - Blindsight (Twice), Starfish and Maelstrom
Robert Charles Wilson - Darwinia, Spin, Bios and Axis
John Brunner - The Sheep Look Up (Scary as hell!)
Larry Niven - Ringworld and The Mote In God's Eye
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space

Currently on: Dan Simmons - Endymion (Sequel to Hyperion). Great so far, at about the halfway mark.
I recently finished Pillars of the Earth and World Without End ("sequel"), two very entertaining historical fiction books by Ken Follett.

Currently not reading anything but I'll buy something soon. I'm thinking maybe another Robert Rankin.

Oh I read a Larry Niven book also, Lucifer's Hammer, but that was a while ago. I loved it. I'm looking for more post-apoc books.
In that case, I HIGHLY recommend the [ame=""]The Sheep Look Up[/ame]. It's about environmental deterioration and is one of the bleakest, apocalyptic books I have ever read. Children are born sick, people get infections that are resistant to treatment etc.
Peter F. Hamilton - Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained

I hadn't heard of Peter F. Hamilton until last week when the sci-fi dude in work (who got me into Steven Baxter) lent me Peter F. Hamilton's 'The Reality Dysfunction'. Great so far - I'm about a third if the way through it. Hell of an imagination on that guy... :u-huh:
I hadn't heard of Peter F. Hamilton until last week when the sci-fi dude in work (who got me into Steven Baxter) lent me Peter F. Hamilton's 'The Reality Dysfunction'. Great so far - I'm about a third if the way through it. Hell of an imagination on that guy... :u-huh:

I'm really looking forward to reading that series. All three volumes were just re-released here and all of them are over 1000 pages. That may be something that will have to wait until next summer.

Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained remain two of the best books I have ever read. The thought and detail that went into those books is absolutely mind-boggling. I would actually put off studying for math exams in favor of reading them.

Have you read The Time Ships by Steven Baxter? I had never even heard of him (Ironically!) until last week I found a copy in the dollar bin of a bookstore near me. I read online that it's pretty good.
Well fuck me it was out of stock in every Swedish book store.

I'll have to order it off Amazon. The shipping can be a bitch so I'd like to order more books while I'm at it. Give me more recommendations! Sci-fi, fantasy, fiction, whatever. Preferably darker, more adult stuff. Intrigue, drama, suspense, humor. No fucking "Jabbalubba the Witch-Hunter from Planet Cornfield" or shitty franchise fiction.
The best science fiction book (Probably best all around, too) I have ever read is Blindsight by Peter Watts. I actually read it back to back twice. It's a "first contact with aliens" novel, but it all basically deals with sentience and cognition. There are [ame=""]copies on amazon[/ame] for just under $4.00. Very highly recomended!
Led by an enigmatic AI and a genetically engineered vampire, the crew includes a biologist who's more machine than human, a linguist with surgically induced multiple personality disorder, a professional soldier who's a pacifist, and Siri Keeton, a man with only half a brain.

Doesn't sound like my cup o tea to be honest.