
Has anyone read "The Kite Runner"? It's the best book I've ever read, about a boy who betrays his best friend and spends the rest of his life trying to make up for it. I know it sounds dumb, but there are so many plot twists that you can't help but get excited reading it.
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

It's like I have some sort of wierd fetish for really really big books.
I'm a huge book geek too. Lovecraft is great in "The Call of Chthulu" but he is tremendously hard to read most times.

Yeah, especially for a swede :/ Sometimes I don't get shit of what he's writing. But when I do, I love the.. uhm.. like.. atmosphere? ;> The Call of Cthulhu and The Dunwich Horror are my favorites.
Yeah, especially for a swede :/ Sometimes I don't get shit of what he's writing. But when I do, I love the.. uhm.. like.. atmosphere? ;> The Call of Cthulhu and The Dunwich Horror are my favorites.

Hah, I bet he thought " I will describe every possible item in this haunted castle and be as pretentious about it as possible".
It's been too many years since I've read the first part of the Dark Tower series so I went to the library today and borrowed it, guess I'll have to re-read the others as well.

I am just finishing that series now. Starts well and this last book is good, but i felt the middle dragged on. 7 Books is too many perhaps for his story.

But Robin Hobb on the other hand can write 9 books without boring you.
I quite like Haruki Murakami - Japanese contemporary author - novels. Based around Joe Average people, and manage to weird the shit out of me.
finished Insomnia by Stephen King a few weeks I'm into A Game Of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, which is part of a fantasy series (A Song Of Ice And Fire) that apparently HBO will be making a series out of...good stuff so far.

I've read all the Song Of Ice And Fire books so far. I really liked them. Maybe the best fantasy series I've ever read.

Right now I'm reading the new Harry Potter.
It's been too many years since I've read the first part of the Dark Tower series so I went to the library today and borrowed it, guess I'll have to re-read the others as well.

I finished the series maybe about six months ago. I just started to read it again.
btw, there's sci/fantasy, and then there's AMAZING sci/fantasy. I'm not talking about Asimov or Clarke, but guys like Gaiman and Mieville and other "nobodys" who have a firmer grasp of literary art. Pratchett and Jordan pale in comparison to Wolfe or Martin. For realism and an amazingly piercing prediction about future space colonization efforts, Kim Stanley Robinson has no competition.

If you don't believe me (and you might not) look these guys up on Amazon and see how many 4 and 5 star reviews they have.