
Thanks Anthrax, now I can take the $20 I would have spent on your new album and put it towards something eles.
(Like the guy with the accent says)
Anthrax... helping you "Save Your Money"
I look forward to it. They did just fine and put out several great albums with their current classic line-up, and I think the pessimism isn't warranted.
A year and a half of debates later....

Now that it's confirmed, all I can think is....

Can't wait to hear it
A yerar and a half of debates later....

Now that it's confirmed, all I can think is....

Can't wait to hear it
eighteeschick said:
I saw that yesterday but I wasn't about to post it. I didn't want to be the messenger that got shot. Watch your back now Jockthrax. :lol:

HAHAHA I know i shouldnt really have posted that, but it's not exactly earth shattering news is it.......
I just hope i dont get a cap popped in the back of my skull for being an informer.:lol:
Come on, lets keep it interesting. You forgot to include:

"If it's not great, we won't do it, simple as that."
Not exactly what I wanted to hear but I'll definitely give it a chance. I just hope it doesn't take as long to finish this one as it has their last few albums.
Its a good thing any way you look at it.
1. It's a New Album. And it might kickass.
2. If it comes out and it sucks, that means that John will be back sooner.

If you like or dislike the reunion thingy, we should be happy that the band we all like? are gonna release a new album. If you are gonna bitch about it before it is released, go and post on some pop-punk bands forum. THIS IS ANTHRAX and they be METAL.

I didn't care who was gonna sing on it but I'm just happy to know things are moving at last
mrthrax said:
I think it should be,fuck i cant wait for this record,all those nay sayers can get fucked,i think the album will be better than wcfya.

I bet my socks that Scott will say "this is the best album we've ever recorded", as he usually does...
It would have taken a lot to make a better record with John and Rob. I think a lot of people would have been dissapointed by the next record either way. I would have bought that and I will buy this..

People....John aint coming back into the fold.... I just dont see it. Hope to be proven wrong though...

Here is the whole section from the CDC blog:

"" And next week I start writing everyday for my real band. Yes, I actually sit and write. I think the riffs are gonna flow, we've been waiting a long time to write new material. The plan is to head out to Chicago end of next month and start getting it together. The plan is to make a record with this line up. I hope it works out. These things are easier said than done but I am ready to embrace it and commit. If it's not great, we won't do it, simple as that. ""