Bootlegged SF show?


Apr 10, 2002
Bay Area, USA
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Well I was pissed off, I forgot my camera in the car and saw tons of people taking pictures by the time opeth came on. The show was incredible...

I know I saw at least 2 people with video cameras. I don't know who they were but one girl was bobbing her head and singing along while filming behind Martin's drums at one point.

Anyways, if any of those filmers are here at the forum I'd pay to get my hands on one of those recordings. Thanx!

I was up in the front for the majority of the show and I took several good picturesof the band when they were playing. I will post them or give a link when I get them up. The show was absolutely icreadible!! The crowd was relatively tame though...the only part that people went crazy for was when Mikael came out and was like "Do you guys like death metal" and then "I want you guys to go fucking crazy for this" and demon of the fall ensued. That was my first time at the pound and I must say that was probably the shittiest sound system I've ever heard. The bass was way up and the vocals were way down...I could only hear the vocals when I went up front. And the vocals for paradise lost (who were really good btw) went out for like 4 minutes. It was embarassing. But I got my signiture and picture with mikael so I'm happy. :grin:

I talked to him and he said he they were definitely going to be back for Damnation AND they will bring Steve Wilson to some dates!!! :rock:

Here's the setlist if anyone cares:

The Leaper Affinity
The Drapery Falls
Godhead's Lament
A Fair Judgement
Encore: Demon of the Fall

What rediculously talented musicians...