'Borders And Shading'?...

How about "F(r)iend"?

That one was pretty cheesy, IMO. A far cry from Pallar Anders Visa, Starforsaken, or The Jester's Dance, eh?
The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner is a pretty good song title and it is definitely not worse than Superhero of the Computer Rage...
Because...they suck. And IF's done better. And the new titles make it easy to bitch. As subpar as Bodom Beach Terror or Triple Corpse Hammerblow, and then some.
Whoop-de-fucking-doo!!!!!!!!! they suck! whatever! theres a ton of things I could bitch about but im not gonna do it because its fucking stupid! if all you people can think to do is bitch about song titles people, then get the hell out of this forum! and nick, mr. open-minded, you of all people should realize how stupid it is to constantly bitch about something as trivial as a couple of song titles.

hey you know what? maybe i should go start a couple threads in the COB forum about how crappy the song titles are! not that its about the music or anything important like that, but come on, they suck! I wonder how they'll take that!

or why don't i just start digging up crappy song titles in general, with all the bands here, theres bound to be some real bad ones! and when i find them, guess what!!!!!!

I'll bitch and complain about them! Yipee!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, you people just don't get the original poster's point, do you... IT'S STRAIGHT OUT OF MICROSOFT FUCKING OFFICE


I don't think he was bitching.. it's just that everyone started to make such a big deal out of his criticism. You all have to learn that your bands aren't pefect. Sure.. it's amusing to make fun of Immortal for their corpse paint, or Slipknot for their masks.. or whatever. But if you can't take it when someone does the same to "your" band(s) you should just.. hmm.. stop visiting discussion forums?