Borknagar to play Screamfest 08

And now, two different questions that are only tangentially related to Borknagar, but are completely related to Norway and potential trip planning:

1. Oslo has an English language daily newspaper? Your concert is a few days after the US Presidential elections, (which are Tuesday, November 4th) and I want to follow the mayhem, and read the Norwegian coverage.

2. How disabled-friendly is Oslo? I get around using two canes and a leg brace. I imagine that everything would be fine, but I don't want to arrive there and find out otherwise. I can walk long distances on level ground with no problem, but I have to go slow on hills and stairs.

Thanks, Norwegians!
hey all, first time poster, long time reader.
I'm really hoping to go to this, so i have a few question.

What is the weather like in November. (I'm from Brisbane, Australia so I know I will freeze to death, but it will be worth it.)
Also, where is a good place to stay in Oslo?
How expensive are things in general? (food, transport, what is the public transport like?)

Looking forward to some of this :rock:
Well I can tell you it'll be a lot colder than Australia. I assume it will be snowing by November, since Oslo isn't that far south.. though I have no idea.
Doesn't usually snow in November I think, but it'd be pretty chilly still. Just get the warmest pieces of clothing you have, and just check a few days before you leave to see the weather forecast. Either way just pack some warm clothing and at least something waterproof. As for prices, shit is expensive, if you're planning to indulge in food and drink then make sure you take a lot of money with you. Transport is usually fairly cheap last I checked (at least compared to England) Only thing I was told to avoid was Taxis, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to get the bus or even walk around Oslo anyway.

A few people on here recommended accommodation in Oslo for my trip in May, I'll try and dig up what they gave me and a few from the tour guides I have.
Or be totally kvlt and just camp out in the forests.
I believe it gave a certain image of myself and which made people dislike and look contemptuously at me.

Also, DT forum members were "rather" mean to me, so in a way it's a way to let go of that forum (though, as dumb as I am I'll probably make a post there again, even though I know I shouldn't :rolleyes: ).

It's also to keep things fresh you know, picture it like "a new beginning."
^ Same story for me, haha. I'm such a sucker for running away from my past.


Anyway, I really like this forum, people are nicer here :) .

Danish guy (Rivfadir) said:
Meh, I never even used this nick anywhere else than here, and I wish I could change it. I just love my postcount too much to start a new one :p

Riiight, 447 posts. Oh that's a lot :rolleyes: .

I had 1777 or something :waah: .