Boss GT questions


Feb 20, 2005
So now that I've discovered the wonders of heat-shrink tubing, using a Boss GT with the 4-cable method isn't nearly as unappealing as it once was, cuz I'll just make the 4-cabls one gondo cable. However, I have a few questions - first, I assume the older they get, the cheaper they are, but what the hell is the difference between the GT's 5-8? (or are they on 9 now?). Needless to say I'm gonna be ebaying it, so the cheaper the better. And second, and MUCH more importantly, do any/all of them have even a *passable* TS model? Thanks!
Hmm, nevermind, looks like the GT-6 doesn't have the amp switching relay and there never was a GT-7, so GT-8 it is! However, just to be clear, the 4-cable method with this will let me run Guitar --> TS sim. (assuming it has one that doesn't totally suck ass) --> amp input, AS WELL AS amp FX send --> GT w/ delay --> amp FX return, right? And what are the 4 cables, anyway? Does that include the cable from guitar to the unit, or is there another?
I tried the TS models from the 8 (when I didn't have the 808) when I knew less than the little I know now and wasn'r very impressed. None of the overdriven or distorted models sounded very good at all. The cleans on the other hand were nice (from memory).

WARNING!!! The 4CM does not work well with all amps due to different effect loop designs. I seem to remember someone on the Boss forums with a Mesa with a parallel Loop and was having problems with the 4CM. With my Rev it sucked the life out of the tone even with the return level of the GT set very high. The volume was OK, the tone was killed. I haven't tried with the 6505 but someone on here has and reported no tone/level issues. I don't know what it will do with your DR. Check out and maybe post a question on:

Maybe someone can help.

I have tried the GT5 back to back with the GT8 and the variety of effects and adjustability on the 8 distroyed the 5. To be honest I would say it was utter crap in comparison. They are up to 10 now.

EDIT: Yes the guitar cable is counted as one of the 4 cables.
Haha, thank you Damian, I discovered that after a quick trip to the Boss website (which I probably should've made before posting, oh well :D). And Hack, thanks for the heads up dude, fuck...I find it hard to believe the parallel FX loop on the Recto would be a problem; if anything, I'd think it'd be better, cuz it's designed to minimize tone-sucking. Still, I should investigate this further, to the Boss forum I go! One thing I can say is that my current solution is to have a delay pedal always on in the loop, and just toggle the loop on and off via footswitch, which has worked well - but having everything in one unit like the GT8 would be so much easier...
but having everything in one unit like the GT8 would be so much easier...

I've tried going that route before, and I always end up back to the separate pedals.... Ease of setup of a multi fx unit is nice, but it's just not the same...

Have you tried a G-Major yet?
Got myself the GX700 (rack-version of the gt-6?!) a week ago. Didn't fiddl a lot, but I use it with my 5150 and the 4C-Method. In my opinion it doesn't alter the sound of the 5150.

Forget the TS-Simulation...totally crap. I just ran the send of the boss into my cheap ts (tonelok) and then in the 5150. Works better for me.

Cleans are very well.
The 5150-Sim is shit to me.

FX-Quality is ok, but not as good as the G-Major (especially delay and whammy-stuff). Making presets is also better on the G-Major...but one couldn't have all. :cry:

I've heard that one guitarist of Hatesphere used this unit...and they had a killer-tone live (saw them at this gig. Sound was more brutal than on the vid).

Cheers, Markus.

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Thanks Markus! Since the GT8 has an onboard FX loop, I guess I could just stick my TS7 in there and have it automatically switched out when I went to cleans. Also, I approve of your name ;) And Eric, I know individual pedals will always sound better, but I'm really light as far as my FX needs; just a TS before the amp and a delay in the loop for solos and I'm good, so I think I could tolerate some tone degredation from a multi-FX. And the reliability issues of the G Major (and as the fact that I'd have to tote around a rack as well as a MIDI board) rule that out for me.
I swear I heard somewhere that Opeth use a combo of 4 cable boss GT8 and laney GH50's live. If its good enough for Opeth, then its good enough for you ;)

Yes, thank you Joe - but as I mentioned, I'm not talking quality here, but rather whether it'll work with my setup
Thanks Markus! Since the GT8 has an onboard FX loop, I guess I could just stick my TS7 in there and have it automatically switched out when I went to cleans. Also, I approve of your name ;) And Eric, I know individual pedals will always sound better, but I'm really light as far as my FX needs; just a TS before the amp and a delay in the loop for solos and I'm good, so I think I could tolerate some tone degredation from a multi-FX. And the reliability issues of the G Major (and as the fact that I'd have to tote around a rack as well as a MIDI board) rule that out for me.

Wait, all you want is a boost and delay?

Errr Don't you already have a boost?

Errr don't you just need a delay? :err::err::err:
Yeah, but I'd also need a tuner pedal, and the amp's footswitch, so I'd have to tote all of those separate things around (or buy a pedalboard), and get all the cables to patch 'em, it'd be so much easier to just have one big box and a few cables.

Are you mainly interested in one for the ease/switching options? Because if you already have the tubescreamer covered, why not just spend the dough on a quality delay like the T.C. Electronics Nova?

Woops, posted a bit late.

I think you should just go separate bro, to be honest. Get a small pedalboard, make it tidy with some small cables, etc.
